I promise, I'm fine.

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For as long as I can remember...it's just been me and Coryo. Coryo and me. From the first day at the academy, when I bombarded the little snowy haired boy with my bubbly personality (to which he only responded with a few curt nods, he was stuffed up even then), to when he first told me that I was his friend (five years later might I add) even though I already knew.

Then I fell in love with him, as one does when they're best and only friend is so attractive. Even though everyone knows Coryo doesn't do that sort of thing. He isn't like that.

To when he received Lucy Gray as his tribute and I had to watch a light ignite in his eyes. One ignited bye some stranger. One that I had been longing to see since I was twelve. I didn't even understand what I did wrong. But there was no denying it...Coriolanus Snow had fallen for his tribute.

I didn't receive a tribute. My father had already secured me a position at the university with a role in the government as Senator. So I needn't worry. I knew Coryo needed that money though, so I was determined to help him.

That's why I was running through the halls that day, to find him. My hair was blowing behind me, and my skirt was lifting as I sprinted through the halls. A few 'sorry's and 'excuse me's leaving my lips. I had skirted passed dozens of students when I reached the library.

I was panting when I locked eyes with Sejanus. I waved at him and ran over.

He eyed me amusedly, chuckling. I liked Sejanus, he was warm, charming and kind. The opposite of Coryo. "Woah...Calm down Elora, what's got you in such a hurry?"

I gasped for air, swallowing quickly, "Sej...Where's- phew -where's Coryo? The news is at the zoo, he needs-"

Sejanus put his hands on my shoulders, "Breathe. He's already gone," Sejanus shrugged.

My shoulders sagged and my eyebrows furrowed, "That's odd...he told me he would meet me here today."

Sejanus smirked at me knowingly. I looked at him skeptically, "What's that look?" His smirk deepened, "You know I think Coriolanus has a little crush on his tribute," he said teasingly.

I felt my heart drop, of course I knew. I knew him better than anyone. I knew I knew I knew. And I hated it. Instead I groaned loudly and made sure my tone sounded playful, "I know! Gosh, it's getting annoying listening to him rant about her all of the time."

Sej just laughed. He threw an arm around my shoulder and tugged me to him, ruffling my hair, "Well don't worry El, he'll always be your best friend."

I shoved him off, "Yeah yeah whatever District. Let's go eat something, I'm starving."


Sejanus and I had been walking around for a little while. Sandwiches in hand. He then said that he wanted to go to the Zoo and bring his tribute some food. I agreed to accompany him. Rather that than go home and be lonely.

As Sej and I walked through the gates of the zoo, passing by the empty cages, we caught sight of the cage that was holding the tributes. A familiar head of snow coloured hair caught my attention and I smiled slightly. He was crouched down, talking to someone and nodding his head. My smile dipped when I saw who he was talking to.

Of course. Lucy Gray.

As Sej and I approached and got closer I felt my heart drop as I watched their faces come together like two magnets that couldn't be pulled away. It made sense really, two opposite charges. Meeting as one. Maybe she was good for him. She was good for him. I knew that.

But why couldn't it be me?

I held my breath to try to ease the aching in my chest. Sejanus kept walking but I stopped in my tracks. I heard his laugh somewhere far away from me. Some comment teasing Coriolanus about his affections.

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