𝟬𝟬𝟮. two clueless lovers and a tired third wheel

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chapter two
two clueless lovers and a tired third wheel

THE NEXT MORNING, after breakfast, Gabriella walked with Annabeth and Percy to inspect cabins

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THE NEXT MORNING, after breakfast, Gabriella walked with Annabeth and Percy to inspect cabins. Technically, it was Annabeth's turn to do inspections, but she had invited Gabriella along for company. Gabriella was a neat freak (Aphrodite kid and all), so she was able to give an honest judgement. Then they found out that Percy's chore was to sort through reports for Chiron, so he joined them as well. Annabeth and Percy both hated their jobs, so hopefully doing it together would make it less horrible.

They started in the Poseidon Cabin, which was basically just Percy. His bed looked like it was attempted to be made, yet still looked like a mess. But at least he straightened the Minotaur horn on the wall.

"I think I deserve a four," Percy declared, almost proudly.

Annabeth made a face. "You're being generous."She used the end of her pencil to pick up a pair of running shorts.

"Way too generous," Gabriella added, crinkling her nose at the smell.

Percy snatched them away. "Hey, give me a break. I don't have Tyson cleaning up after me this summer."

"Two point five" Gabriella concluded.

Percy gave her an exasperated look. "Oh come on!"

Gabriella thought for a moment, and sighed. "Fine. Three out of five. You're lucky I'm not Silena."

Percy nodded, realizing this was the best he was gonna get. Because if it was Silena, she would definitely be more critical.

They moved along to other cabins. When they made it to the Aphrodite cabin, they of course got a five out of five. The beds were made perfectly, and the clothes in everyone's footlockers were color coordinated. The flowers bloomed on the windowsills. The cabin smelled lovely to Gabriella and everyone else—except Percy.

"This place reeks of designer perfume." Percy whispered to Gabriella, scrunching his nose in disgust. "Maybe a point should get taken off for that."

Gabriella elbowed him.

"Great job as usual, Silena," Annabeth praised.
Silena nodded carelessly. The wall behind her bed was full of pictures with Beckendorf. She sat on her bunk with a box of chocolates on her lap. Her dad owned a chocolate store in the Village, which was also how he caught Aphrodite's attention.

"You want a bonbon?" Silena asked the trio. "My dad sent them. He thought—he thought they might cheer me up."

"Aren't those the ones that taste like cardboard?" Gabriella asked, recognizing the packaging.

She just nodded.

Percy decided to try one, while Gabriella and Annabeth passed. They promised to see Silena later, and continued the job.

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, pjo ²Where stories live. Discover now