#OVA# 1

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Before we start this is a au and that I know of when making this her fight with hakari is not done that I am aware of so I hope you guys understand why I am auing her death for this story anyways hope you enjoy


We currently see a ruined battle field with gojo watching the last of sukuna allies die in front of him

Gojo: You know your not that strong compared to sukuna I mean you took like what 3 three punches and a red to beat

goho says while trying to hide his laughter with uraume about to die beyond angry at her self for failing her lord and who she always admired and... but that was besides the point she was about to die by the person who killed her master

Uraume: 'maybe I will get to see my lord again' I will never forgive you gojo satoru!!

She says with her last breath dying

God: hmm it seems sukuna's old worshiper died maybe I should send her to him after all he may need her for the upcoming battles ahead

With that thought he made up his mind which with him summoning uraume with her appearing in front of him confused

Uraume: Who are you!?

She says this on guard since she thought she just died

God: I am god and you my child have been brought here by me

Uraume: I don't believe in any god but my lord

God: I see well how about I give you a gift

Uraume: *narrows eyes* and what would that be?

God: how about I send you a new world how does that sound

looking curious at her answer with her saying

Uraume: I don't care for such a thing

She turns around about to walk off tired of this so called god bothering her

God: Oh even if sukuna was in that new world?

She turns around shocked on what she heard

Uraume: your telling me he went to a new world

God: indeed he wanted a redemption to find something he cast out and I needed help so we agreed-

Uraume: I don't believe you I think you just want me to go to this world to get rid of me!

She said this while preparing ice to attack god

God: If you don't believe me look at this

with him saying that a orb appeared showing something with that she stopped making ice and went over to it and saw

Sukuna: Kkekeke~ why would I do that I am having fun maybe I should kill all those you care for while making you watch 

Elsa: *she gets on her knees because they regenerated* Please I beg don't do that I will do anything j-just don't-

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