Cp 21 Meeting Pandora(?)/fighting mahito

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Uraume: *bows* I am glad you're alright, sukuna!

Sukuna: *nods* Are you ready, Uraume?

Currently, sukuna was outside the gate to the capital of lugunica with Emilia, Garfield, Ram, Rem, Uraume, and Julius

Uraume: *nods* Yes, I have made sure my reserves are back to 100% sukuna!

Sukuna: *grins* Good! Now let's begin the meeting.

Sukuna walked to where everyone was waiting for him with Uraume, following closely behind to which once he arrived there Julius was the first one to ask him a question

Julius: *looks towards sukuna* Sukuna-san, what are we going to be facing in the capital?

Sukuna: *stands next to Emilia* A being that is a parasite known as kenjaku, he will be the hardest to beat, but you can tell its him if you see a scar on his head. (For some reason, the same energy that spirits use makes it easy for even a non sorcerer see techniques...)

Sukuna found this out on his way here while talking to Echidna, to which she explained how spirits and cursed spirits are basically the same, but since no one used cursed energy it was untapped though people that had a gate automatically could use either all it took was training

Julius: *nods* I see, so will our main objective be to free the sword saint?

Sukuna: *nods* Yea, but I won't be joining you in there... I need to head somewhere, so I will be counting on you all to get reinhard back.

Everyone was surprised that he wasn't going to help, but seeing his serious face, they decided not to ask and just continued with their plan

Julius: *rubs his chin* If you aren't helping, then we need to split up and cover more ground..

Before he could continue, Uraume spoke up, earning everyone's attention

Uraume: Sorry for interrupting, but sukuna, could the cursed spirit mahito be working for kenjaku to?

Sukuna: Maybe, Julius, you will have to face mahito with Uraume. Everyone else needs to go after kenjaku, Understood?

Everyone nodded, understanding that this mahito must be a threat if Julius is needed

Julius: May I ask, what does this mahito look like?

Sukuna: Just look for a guy with a patched face. You can't miss him!

Julius nodded while they spent the next 30 minutes making a plan to defeat kenjaku


Emilia: *hugs sukuna* Come back safe, sukuna...

Sukuna chuckles and pats her head, to which she pouts, but he responds, saying

Sukuna: No need, I should be saying that to you, good luck, and be careful.

Emilia nodded and let go, to which she started heading with everyone else inside the capital while sukuna walked away, heading to where he needed to be


Once everyone was inside, they said there farwells with emilia and ram heading towards where they think kenjaku is while Uraume and Julius head to where she senses him with rem staying by the gate just incase someone trys to escape

Rem: *standing by the gate* (Good luck, sister!)


With Julius and uraume, they currently were walking through the noble district, with Julius deciding to ask a question

Julius: *walking beside Uraume* So miss Uraume, when did you meet sukuna-san?

Uraume looked over towards him and answered

Uraume: I met him when the village I grew up in almost killed me because of me being born . In my final moments, he appeared and saved me, and afterward, I pledged my loyalty to him since he saved me

Julius nodded while feeling remorseful for her, sadden that she had to go through that though he was broken out of his thoughts when he dodged a punch from a patched face man

Julius: *backs away towards Uraume* Miss Uraume, do we continue as agreed upon?

Uraume: *nods and summons ice* Yes, let's finish this quickly! (I sense the other special grades here as well, I need to kill this curse quickly, or we may be in trouble!)

Mahito: *licks his lips* My~, you came all the way out here to see little old me?

Julius didn't talk and just unshethed his sword running towards him while Uraume was making ice projectiles to back him up

Mahito: *grins and gets into a fighting stance* (Sukuna isn't here, so this battle will be easy!)


Emilia and Ram were currently looking around with Emilia using her divine dogs while Ram was using her clearvoyence to find kenjaku

Emilia: *looks at her divine dogs* Anything?

The dogs whined and shaked their heads, which made Emilia frown

Emilia: *desummons the dogs and looks towards ram* Anyluck Ram?

Ram: *stops using her ability* No, unfortunately, the b*stard is sneaky. He must be hiding somewhere...

Emilia nodded, thinking the same thing, but just sighed and asked another question

Emilia: Hey Ram, why didn't we bring Garfield with us?

Ram: *sighs* It is obvious that he is still weakened from fighting sukuna. (While he could have come, he decided to stay back to regain some energy since he wasn't all there, to face strong people like this...)

Emilia: *nods* I see, well hopefully we can make do with what we have right now-

Before she could continue, Emilia and Ram heard footsteps behind them, which caused them to look behind them only to see a girl in a white cloth holding a cube with a stitch on her forehead which caused both to tense up

Pandora(?): My my~. I didn't expect to run into you both here.

Ram: *gets into a fighting stance with Emilia doing the same* Your kenjaku right, I don't want to accidently kill a stupid looking girl!

Kenjaku only continued to smile while the cube disappeared from his hand

Kenjaku: Yes, it's true, I am kenjaku! I am assuming sukuna is nearby?

Emilia: *serious* It's only us kenjaku. We don't need to rely on sukuna for everything!

Kenjaku: *frown* I see, shame I wanted to talk, but beggers can't be choosers! *grins* I will just kill you two to make him appear here!


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