Cp 23 sukuna dominates cursed spirits

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Currently walking through the gate, sukuna stared confused once he reached the other side. Seeing both ram and rem there.

Sukuna: *walking up to them* (Shouldn't ram be helping Emilia right now?)

Once they noticed him, they rushed up to him with worried and concerned glances, which made sukune slightly concerned though Ram was the first to speak.

Ram: *stands in front of him with rem next to her* Sukuna! I was separated from lady emilia by some sort of ability kenjaku had!

Sukuna: *Taken aback a little* What? (Is this an ability his host has..... I don't exactly know what this Pandora had since the witches never found out....) *sighs* I see, I will go look for her. In the meantime, ram, stay here, and guard your sister.

Ram and Rem nodded, knowing if sukuna was here, everything would be alright.

Sukuna: *starts heading in a random direction* (My senses are all messed up by whatever kenjaku is doing to this kingdom...)

After a minute of searching at his top speed, he sees two burnt bodies, which took him a second to realize it was uraume and the purple haired pretty boy.

Sukuna: *drops down in front of them and checks both* Hmmm. (The purple haired one is in a critical state, while Uraume is slowly healing herself with reverse curse technique.... The purple haired kid shouldn't die before uraume is fully back, so I will leave it to her.)

Sukuna applied a little bit of reverse cursed technique to Julius, so he wouldn't die, though when he was about to get up, he sensed someone approaching, which made him stand up quickly and turn around, just in time to dispell some fire.

Sukuna: *dispells the fire* It's been a while, hasn't it Jogo?

Jogo stepped out of the shadow, clicking his tongue.

Jogo: Tch! You still are as strong as ever....

Sukuna: *grins* Why wouldn't I be? Though I assume you set this up to distract me?

Jogo: *frowns further* And sharp as ever too.

Sukuna: *smirks* You aren't hard to read.... Just like the rest of your friends who are hiding!

Once he said that, jogo widened his eye a little while the rest of the disaster curses came out shocked that he knew.

Jogo: *surprised* (H-How did he know! Pandora said she would be blocking sukunas senses!!)

Sukuna: *notices his confusion* Oh, the reason I noticed was simple. *smirks* I now know magic as well.

This shocked them all. Since it said nothing about him knowing magic.

Dagon: *sweats a little* (This is bad!)

Jogo: *shakes his head* It doesn't matter! We will kill you all the same!

Sukuna: *grins arrogantly* Come then, I am waiting!

Hanami was the first to move with it, sending roots from wear sukuna stood towards him though he just swiped his hand dismantling them while he dodged a fire ball from jogo and a spear of water from Dagon.

Sukuna: *blitzes behind hanami and punches it into a building* You're still too slow, jogo!

Jogo grew angry with him, sending a large blast of fire at him while Dagon was waiting for an opening... Only for sukuna to clap his hands switching places with the walking sea food dish. Shocking both of them.

Dagon: *getting burned* Aghhhhh!!

Jogo: *quickly stops the fire and sees a recovering Dagon only to be sent to the ground by a punch to the head* ughhh!! (How does he have that jujutsu sorcerers technique!?)

Sukuna: *grins* C'mon, try harder, try harder!

Sukuna stepped on jogos head while Dagon and hanami fully recovered and rushed him, which he took notice of only to side step and dodge any attacks they would throw at him.

Sukuna: *backs away* (This is getting boring.... I guess I will start trying...)

Before the curses could gather their courage, sukuna appeared in front of Hanami and put his hand on it's chest while uttering the words...

Sukuna: * Has his hand on its chest* Cleave!

After saying that, hanami got cleaved in half, effectively killing it, shocking both Dagon and jogo.

Sukuna: *grins sinisterly* Do you get it now? I am only keeping you alive to satisfy my boredom!

This pissed both of them off. They both sent water and fire at sukuna, which he took head-on only to be even more shocked seeing him only with a scratch and a tiny burn mark.

Sukuna: pathetic...

Sukuna disappeared from their sights and appeared in the middle of both of them and sent a dismantle at jogo, making him back up while he grabbed Dagon by the tentacles on his face while grinning. Dagon tried sending a water spear at sukuna only for him to block it and rip his head off from his body, killing him too.

Jogo: *shocked* D-Dagon...

Sukuna: *holding his head* So that was his name? He had a great technique. It's only fitting. I beat you with that same technique!

Jogo looked at him confused, only to grow wide-eyed, seeing water form on his hands.

Jogo: *flashbacks to shibuya* (We shouldn't have tried facing him... No matter how hard I try, I will still lose...)

Sukuna: *glares at him* Arm yourself! (Time to give this technique a test drive!)

Jogos body tensed up, which he unconsciously makes fire in his hands, forming it into a ball of fire.

Jogo: *smiles sadly* (I am sorry I didn't see it sooner, my friends...)

Sukuna: *forms the water into an arrow and makes it very sharp* (The curse lacked intelligence to understand water is adaptable, which means the more flexible you are, the better the technique is!)

After a moment, they both fired their attacks, causing an explosion to occur, though once the explosion stopped and the dust cleared. One could see a pink haired man standing bored looking at a volcano looking corpse split in two.

Sukuna: *sighs disappointed* (He was still as weak as ever....)

Before sukuna could think, he heard someone rise and speak behind him, which made him turn his head to see...

Uraume: *bows* Sorry I failed you, sukuna...


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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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