The disappearance of Naomi David

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Missing: Naomi Hudson David
Hair color: brown
Length: mid-length
Height: 5'7
Eye color: blue
date of disappearance: February 1st, 1984

-Last seen wearing a brown leather jacket and jeans through gas station camera footage walking supposedly to her house.

Dallas Winston:
hair: brown
Length: short/ long in the front
Height: 6'0
Eye color: brown
Date of disappearance: February 2nd

-her mother (Lilian David) said that a young man by the name Dallas Winston was over at her house a lot. He still has not been seen since and has not been questioned. He was last seen by his group of friends, Keith, Steve, Sodapop, Ponyboy, Darry, Johnny. If you see him (or Naomi) please contact the police immediately

March 16th, 1984
Top gun, Indian Ocean

Naomi POV:
I finished reading over me and dallys missing posters. I had found it in the trash when I was downtown in L.A. I couldn't really think of one place where Dallas Winston could be hiding, and how long he has been "missing" for. I know I did this to him, I'm the reason we're both missing, and I hate that. I crumbled up the paper and threw it on the ground, cursing under my breath. My vision got blurry and tears fell down my face. It was a mixture of rage and sadness and regret all built up.

"Lieutenant David."

I turned quickly, clearing my throat and standing up straight, hoping he won't see me crying.


"Wheels up in 10, be ready."

He didn't seem to give a shit about me crying. We used to be close, friends even, before he saw my missing poster. He said that he was mad at himself for making me come here, and more mad at me for listening and not telling him about my condition in the first place.

I'm doing better now though, I still occasionally have to take a break but not as often. I put my helmet on, the bold letters of the word "Aphrodite" engraved in the middle, angel wings on both sides. I think it's cool as fuck.

The deck is always loud and chaotic. Planes coming and going, being refueled and repaired, being cleaned, etc..

I had most of the same recruits as last time but two newbies, raven and pistol.(or Samantha and Axl) I just meant them yesterday but I know some things about them.

Samantha 'Raven' Outlaw: is called raven because she loves things that fly. (Hence why she's at top gun) she said her first love was birds or more specificity ravens. She's said to be quiet and somewhat mysterious which adds to her character.

Axl 'pistol' Laughtberg: is called pistol because he is simply a gun fanatic. Every time he's in combat it's always guns, and when he's out of bullets he pulls out a hand gun. His last resort is always missiles. Guns, guns, and more guns is his motto.

"Hey, you! You're not supposed to be on deck get out of-!"

Speak of the devil.

Pistol grabbed my shoulder and turned be around but immediately looked at me in shock.

"Are you..?" He started. I didn't know why he looked so shocked.

"Am I..?"

"Sorry- are you Naomi?"


" reason." And then he just walked away.

Pistol had this kind of jet black hair that fell loosely over his eyes. He was pale and kind of tall, maybe around 5'11. They said he was only around my age, 17.

I guess I made myself look lost while I was in my deep train of thought, but I wasn't. I turned back to pistol who was now talking to raven who was then talking to coyote and so on. I caught a couple of stares, well not a couple a lot. maybe 90% of the people here. I put my head down uncomfortably and walked quickly towards my plane.

The flight wasn't so good that day.

Dallas POV:
6 months,26 weeks,182 days left. She said she would be back around September, meaning she will miss my birthday. I got her something for hers's sitting on my nightstand in my room. It's a pair of earring that she pointed out while we were shopping once. I offered to steal it for her but she declined, saying it wasn't right.


"Hey those are pretty cute.." she said pointing to a pair of earrings.

"Yeah I guess.."

"What? You don't like them?"

"I like em', but it's not my thing."

"Oh..well." she goes to put them back but I stop her.

"I can steal them for you if you'd want.."

"No way. That's not the right thing, don't be stupid."

She seemed to really dig them, and I did think she would look good in them. Now I can only imagine.

(Sorry that the chapters are kind of boring just hang with me!!)

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