Chapter 28

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{Dohwa's POV}

"Where is Y/N?" I asked her.

"Not here right now! She's hanging with my friends right now, but we can see her later. I just want it to be you and me," Hye-Jin said. She walked up closer to me so I could see what she looked like. Her face didn't ring a bell though.

"I mean..." I couldn't think of what to say to persuade her.

"Ssssshhhhhhhh. We don't need her. Only you and me." She came up even closer, tracing my jaw with her fingers. I stepped back and put her hands down.

"Let's take one step back. I don't even know you that well yet."

"Okay then, just for you." She pouted. I gave her an awkward smile, thinking of what to do next, but she was ahead of me. "I think I'lol give you a pass. I know you think that I kidnapped your ex-girlfriend, but it wasn't really me. So for you to calm down, I'll bring her out." Hey-Jin pulled out her phone and texted a few words before putting it away.

Behind her, a door opened and Y/N was carried in by two guys. She looked defeated as she walked in; tripping every time she tried to take a step. Once they stopped, they threw her to the floor and she sat there helpless. I tried running to her but Hye-Jin grabbed my arm.

"Don't worry, she'll be let go soon enough. Once I know you're mine, you won't ever have to see her again. I'll make her transfer." Hey-Jin said as she looked over her shoulder to Y/N. I knew my eyes became fearful for her as I watched Y/N not even look me in the eyes. My heart was sinking every second as I thought of how she was treated.

"I-I..." I was speechless.

Hey-Jin walked up closer to me and tried to give me a hug. I didn't hug back. Y/N looked up slowly and I saw her eyes break, which made me break too. I pushed Hye-Jin off and ran towards Y/N, gathering her in my arms. We both sank into each other's warmth as Hye-Jin threw a fit behind us. The two guys behind Y/N stood there quietly looking at each other.

"NO NO NO! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO END UP WITH HER! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME! ME!" Hey-Jin yelled. I pushed Y/N's head into my chest, trying to block out the screams.

"It's all going to be okay," I whispered to Y/N. I hugged her as tightly as I could.

Then, I was pulled away from her by the two guys. They held me back as Hye-Jin made her way over to Y/N. I flung my arms trying to get out of the grasps of the guys, but there was no use. I watched as Hye-Jin beat Y/N. I screamed and told her to stop but she wouldn't. Y/N curled up into a ball on the ground, taking kicks and blows to her head and body. Tears streamed down my face as I continued to call out to Y/N.

I swung my arms up and was able to loosen the grips of the guys' hands on my arms and crawled towards Hyde-Jin. I latched onto her ankle and tried pulling her off. The two goons took my feet and pulled me, which caused Hye-Jin to fall face first and get dragged. Y/N was free of Hye-Jin's blows.

"RUN! RUN Y/N!" I yelled. She looked at me and I nodded my head. She got up and made a dash to the door that was propped open. I smiled as I took a punch to the face, which knocked me out cold.

Hiiiiiii guuuyyyyssss...

I know it's been awhile, but uhm, hi!

This chapter is short but I know the next one will be a good one! Promise!

Okay! That's it! Bye!

- An Infectious Smile - Baek DohwaWhere stories live. Discover now