Chapter 8

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"What do you think?" Asked Mia, as Brian studied the chip on his computer.

"Well, it's definitely a custom chip." Brian tells them, as Dom and Milly join them "Look at all these side menus here for data entry. Let's check this one." Brian adds picking a random one, "Look at that. Same building, same order every week."

"It's a delivery schedule." Dom says

"What's this?" Asked Mia pressing a button in the corner. "drugs?" Mia suggested

"No." Brian says "That's a dealer pack. See, most major players, they weigh their money so they don't have to constantly count it. Right there, that's 49 kilos. 49 kilos is a million in twenties."

"You're saying each one of these shipments is worth 10 million dollars?" Asks Mia

"Yeah." Brian says

"So what is that?" Asked Dom "A 100-million plus in cash houses? That's how he keeps it off the grid."

"I think it's safe to say that Reyes is smart to want this back It's his whole network right there, just laid out on a chip." Brian adds as something banged on the Metal doors. They were quicker enough to get up and out the windows before, anyone got inside.

But about 6 men dressed in black burst though the doors, with guns. Anyone could guess they were Reyes men.

Dom and Milly managed to get split up from Brian and Mia and run across the roof, jumping between them, when they come to a big drop, with no where else to go.

"You gotta jump Mils." Dom tells her, as they get closer to the edge, Dom and Milly both jump as someone who looks like a police jumps out the window. Dom and Milly who managed to escape uninjured jump up and keep running, the cop close behind them.

The run through an alley way and as they come out the other side, they nearly run straight into another police.

"Policia! Get on the ground." She says holding the gun at Dom. Dom makes no effort to get on the ground, as the cop reaches for her radio, "I got Toretto and the kid. Four blocks north of your..."

She was cut of by gun shots, Dom pushing both her and Milly into the wall out of the way.

"Shh, They already know who you are." Dom tells the cop, from the roof four other cops begin shooting at Reyes men, all the commotion giving Dom and Milly a chance to run.


The four of them all manage to meet back up, and walk through a long drain, hoping not to leave a trail for the cops to follow.

"They're going to be looking for the four of us together now." Dom says as the climb out the other end "We need to split up. You Milly and Mia head south, I'll lead them away." Dom tells them

"No." Mia says

"Dom is right." Brian agrees "Look how lucky we just got. What happens next time? We have no choice but to split up."

"I'm pregnant." Mia tells Brian "I already lost my family once. I'm not going through that again."

"Are you kidding me?" Brian asks smiling

"No." Mia says, as Brian pulls her into a hug

"I'm not going anywhere. Okay?" Brian reassures as Milly runs over to Mia.

"Is there really a baby in there?" Milly asked placing a hand on her stomach. Mia nodded smiling, as Milly pulled her into a hug

"Dom?" Mia asks putting a arm around Milly, and Brian "Promise me we stick together."

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