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"I should think you are in need of a haircut, my love."

They had been lying in bed, sheets tangled together as their legs intertwined while Kate combed her
fingers through the unruly mop of hair on Anthony's head.

Huffing out a sigh, half in content and
half in agreement, Anthony leaned into Kate's touch as her fingernails gently scraped against his scalp.

It had been three months since they began their travels across the continent, enjoying their honeymoon exploring the streets of countries unknown to them, as well as exploring one another.

Of course, with nothing more on their mind than enjoying one another's naked forms and the places they had travelled to see, the idea of a haircut had naturally slipped from Anthony's mind.

"Do you not like it this way?" he asked, his grin roguish as his eyes twinkled in the dim candlelight, and Kate smiled while continuing to run her fingers through his messy curls.

"I love everything about you," she murmured, her nose nuzzling against his. "But I think you are due a trim at the very least, my love, although," Kate paused, her eyes flickering down for a moment as she pulled her lower lip between her teeth and sucked in a breath.

When she spoke again, her voice was nothing more than a raspy whisper.
"Though I do enjoy tugging on your hair when your tongue does such indecent things to me down there ."

Looking up again, eyes blown out with lust, Kate tugged Anthony's head back, a delicious groan pulled from his throat as his wife pressed herself firmly against him.

Eyes fluttering closed, Anthony felt Kate's hand move to push a lock of hair behind his ear as she hummed, and he envisioned a warm smile upon her luscious lips.

"Your current style hides your ears," he heard her sigh, and felt the tip of her finger trail around thedelicate shell of his ear. "And I do so love your ears, my Lord," she said with a soft puff of breath, and as her hand skimmed the muscles of his abdomen, his breath hitched the moment her teeth sank

into the sensitive skin of his lobe, and a low, guttural groan fell from his lips.
Opening his eyes, Anthony's arms wound around his wife's waist and pushed her back until she lay
beneath him, now caged between his arms as he pressed his hardened body against her, her fingers still trailing the soft skin of his ear affectionately.

"And must I shave the stubble, too, my dear?" he asked, leaning down to press his lips to hers, and he both felt and heard the gasp emerge from her throat as a beautiful shade of red creeped into her cheeks.

"I do not think that would be wise, husband," she admitted once he pulled away, her voice quiet as her lower lip was pulled back between her teeth again. "I- I rather enjoy how it feels between my thighs after I have had your face between them without a shave, if I must be so bold as to admit that."

Of course, that was motivation enough for Anthony to sink lower into the bed, his daily shave forgotten as Kate tugged at his locks, his name a symphony upon her lips.

Ngl idk if it's good it's my first time writing soo yeahh, hope y'all enjoyed!

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