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"Kaaaate!" Anthony Bridgerton calls one day as he returns home from a busy day at Parliament and helping several of his tenants with problems that have arisen in the past week. "Your presence is required this instant!" he screams from downstairs, and Kate cannot help but chuckle.

Kate is rather certain that this particular roar of displeasure can only be due to a certain someone. Or rather a certain dog by the name of Newton. Taking her time to slowly creep down the stairs in an effort to see how many more times her husband will call for her prior to doing his best to seek her out, Kate can barely stifle a giggle to herself.

"Yes, my love?" Kate sweetly remarks as she comes into Anthony's line of sight before she presses a kiss to his cheek. "Welcome home. I have missed you today."

"Yes, thank you. However, your warm welcome can in no way excuse this monster of a menace from the absolutely appalling act he has just committed against me!"

"Who, Newton? Why, I'm sure he just played his usual tricks on you, Anthony. However, you know he acts so much more behaved in your presence than he does with anyone else other than me..."

"And that is supposed to make me feel better?" Anthony loudly remarks, casting a disgusted look down at Newton who has retreated dutifully to Kate's side where he is currently getting ear scratches from his owner. "Can you guess what this infernal dog has done this time? Hmm?" he directs towards his wife, utter fury written on his face.

"Well, I'd wager a guess and say that since you are not soaking wet that he couldn't possibly have dunked you in the Serpentine," Kate can barely suppress a laugh, thinking back to the encounter.

"Fortunately for him, no. Once in a lifetime was quite enough, thank you very kindly," Anthony scowls, though a small amount of humor slips through his voice. "This diabolical monster child of yours was doing his business in the park when I stopped to chat with Lord Hardy and his wife. Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled forward as Newton chased after a small flock of birds of all things! Might you wager as to where I ended up, Kate?"

"Oh, Anthony! He didn't.... You didn't..."'.

"Oh, but I assure you, Kate, I did. I ended up with my shoe rather disgustingly in Newton's waste. Never again shall I be able to wear my favorite pair of shoes, nor face Lord Hardy and his wife again without thinking of the embarrassment!" Anthony proclaims, looking for all the world like an ashamed adolescent boy who had just been caught by his mother for partaking in some shameful activity.

"Anthony, I do not believe it to be the end of the world. I shall simply see about getting you another pair of shoes the next time I am in town this week."

"Next week will be far too late, Kate! By then I will have tracked..."

"Darling, it is not as if you do not own other pairs of shoes," Kate gently reminds, wrapping her arms around Anthony's back and locking her eyes on his. "Simply wear another pair for the next few days."

"Whatever would I do without you, Kate? However did I live this long without ever finding you?" Anthony softly murmurs against Kate's ear as he presses a line of several kisses against her neck and collarbone.

"I do not know. Though, I must say that I do rather know a way to take your mind off of the ruined pair of shoes and the menace that you call Newton," Kate devilishly grins against Anthony's lips.

"And what, pray tell, might that be?"

"I believe you know."

Anthony takes Kate's offered hand and follows her up the stairs to their bedroom where the door is promptly closed and neither of them resurfaces until it is time for supper.

*Sorry for the very late update I've been really busy recently with some personal stuff but i hope you enjoyed*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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