5 · Where Are They?

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Italics: High Valyrian (language of the dragons)

"Sit down, Fraenairys." He says and pulls out the chair from my table. I hesitantly took the seat and he easily pushed it in, he sat down across me and leaned back, studying my expression.

My eyes flicked away for a moment out the window that gave me a direct view of the mountains, my gut jolted as I saw the shape of one of the twins climb over and perch at the top, staring directly at the house. If this man looked to his left he would clearly see it.

"Where are they?"  He asks in Valyrian, I swallow and shake my head, pretending to not understand. "I'm sorry..?" I say and wave my finger to my ear. He tilts his head, saying without words, 'are you really going to play stupid?'

"Do not treat me like a fool, riñītos."  His tone stays level and his hand is bawled into a fist on the table. The blood drains from my cheeks and I look down at my hands in my lap. "Who are you." I ask and straighten my back, he smiles and leans forward.

"My name is Daemon Targaryen, prince to the iron throne, and I am here seeking the dragons of the North. Your, dragons." His chin tilts down as he speaks. "What makes you think dragons are this far north?" I ask and crease my eyebrows. He sighs and shakes his head, "like I said, Dauren had many secrets, but she shared many with me."

"Like what?" I asked and tilted my head, glancing at the mountain again, the twin was not there anymore. The ground shook, he didn't falter though, didn't even acknowledge it. "Dauren Deuland was the rider of Sophrona the song maker for fifty years, up until Sophrona's disappearance."

"That's impossible, Sophrona died when Dauren was ten years old, her skeleton is in the mountain." I say and wave my hand to the window. He smiled and shook his head, he looked out the window and licked his lower lip. "Sophrona's mate died protecting their eggs, the skeleton you saw belonged to Faegrhar the innocent."

"And back to my first question, where are the newborns?" His rapid fire speech left me frozen, feeling sort of betrayed, or rather, untrustworthy. What about me made Dauren feel like she couldn't tell me that? And how many other secrets did she keep from me that this stranger, this supposed prince knew?

"What are you going to do with them?" I asked, and he shifted. "I just want to see they are doing alright." He replies and stands, "I myself, am a dragon rider. Come see." He holds out his hand, I ignore it. He rolls his eyes and opens the front door, my eyes adjust to the light and we step onto the frozen tundra.

He puts his hands behind his back and walks around, looking up at the sky with a small smile. I looked up as well, expecting to see a puny green dragon flail around the corner, he seemed like the type.

A loud whistling screech fills the air, for a moment I think it is Sapphira, that she discovered a new obnoxious sound that she can make. But I was mistaken, a long, red, and spindly dragon soars into view, its jaws spread wide as its call echoed in the air.

Daemon watched proudly and then held out a hand, and on command the dragon landed, causing the ground to shake, just like before. "Sadly I can't stay long, due to Caraxes cold blood. So, where ar-" his question is abruptly cut off a large gust of wind blows over our heads.

The twins, being their teen selves, rushed over us side by side and circled for a moment, eyeing the red dragon. Caraxes whistled, he sounded happy, he stared up at Sapphira. That's a child! I thought to myself.

"Keligon!" I called out and Draco landed first, right next to me, Sapphira landed a little farther, toward Caraxes. I furrowed my eyebrows at the boy dragon and watched as Caraxes chittered and lowered and raised his neck toward her.

Keligon: to come, to stop, to cease

"Tell your beast to leave my girl alone." I say, rather upset that this stuck up man's pet was seducing my child. Sapphira was about 1/3 of his size, Draco, obviously a bit bigger than her. Both had long necks and torsos, short hind legs with pointed flaps connected to them.

"He just likes her, not doing any harm." Daemon says, he looks Sapphira over, then Draco. "Was there a third and older egg you found? He's huge for a newborn..." Daemon comments. I shake my head and put a hand on Draco's neck. "They are twins, but Draco never hatched on time. Sapphira forced him out when she was a year old, ever since then he's been getting bigger than her."

"Fascinating," he mutters. "Now, I am not here to take your dragons, I came with supplies but once I saw you, and heard of Dauren, I knew that they had hatched." I stay quiet and lightly rub Draco's scales for comfort, I quietly whistle and Sapphira doesn't hesitate to come to my other side. "And how old are they? They must be ten, twelve maybe?"

"Sapphira is nearly five, Draco is four." I reply and his smile grows, "amazing." He says  and shakes his head. "Why?" I ask. "You must not know, the dragons of the North are nearly an entirely different species from Dragons across the world." I raise an eyebrow and shift on my feet. "Does that mean they are at risk of poachers? The last of their kind?" I ask and look at the twins.

"Quite the contrary, you see, some people worship them. They survive in both warm and cold temperatures, I'm sure one of these babies can breathe ice." He says with a small laugh, "Suvion." He commands and I place my hand on Sapphira's neck, she only lets frost out of her nostrils.

Suvion: ice

Daemon looks sort of disappointed, his hand twitched and Caraxes came closer, standing behind him. "A shame they are already so bonded to you, and two especially, what an honor that must be for you. You must be an excellent trainer as well." He licks his bottom lip again.

"She can do much more than frost, but she does not take commands from those I do not trust." I say, slightly relaxing. "You say people worship them?" I ask, he nods. "Tell me."

Long Chapter 1104 w/c

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