|For I'm Fabulously Wealthy.|

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5:30 pm (same day)
Eclair sat crossed legged on the small motel bed, staring intently at her phone.

'Should I?... Yea-wait no, ugh I don't know!'

She furrowed her brow and crossed her arms against her chest tightly, while puffing out her cheeks. Hisoka's words briefly came back to her, but she shoved them away, deep into her thoughts.
"Toru, can you-"

"What is it Miss?" He opened the motel room door softly, as so to not to disturb the others who where renting there.

"Don't you think it's time? For you to go and help Grandmother?"
He closed the door softly, replying with, "Did you speak with Hisoka about the living arrangements?"
She looked down bashfully, "I'd planned on it earlier.. Must've slipped my mind..." She mumbled.

"Well I will go." He hesitated, "As soon as he agrees to-"
"Toru! You know she isn't safe with anyone but you! Pleas-"
"It is for your own protection, Miss Eclair.."

The room was silent, aside from the small clock placed above the door, ticking away. She gripped the bed comforter tightly, tears threatening to spill over,"I'm sure he won't mind.. Please, Toru, please..."

"If it is what you desire ma'am, i'll go."
She looked at him, an expression of shock spread on her face.
"If you start staying with him by tonight."

She groaned, and slammed her body backwards, which was her attempt at a tantrum. "But that means I'll have to-"

"How much longer will your grandmother last without protection miss."
"Fine.." She pouted, "I'll call him right now.."

She sat up, grabbing her phone in the process, and dialed the number that had texted her the previous night.

*ring ring*
'Hey, its me..'
'Ah, and so it is~'
'Look, Hisoka.. I need a place to crash for a while..'

There was a short silence on the other line.

'And you are calling me?~'
'Well.. That's the thing..'

The realization hit him,
'Well~ I don't mind you staying here with me~'

Her heart began to pick up pace,
'Can I come over tonight?'
'Ah, Hisoka thank you. I really mean it.'

Another short silence.
'No problem~ See you when you get here?~'
'Yea.. Bye.'**

She hung up before he got a chance to say anything else. The last thing she needed was for him to change his mind.

"He said it was fine.. Thank you Toru. I really-"
"No need to thank me Miss." he smiled warmly at her.

She smiled back and stood up on the bed, making her slightly taller than him, and hugged him.
"Stay safe out there. So we can meet up again one day."
"Sure thing.. Miss Eclair."

9:34 pm
Eclair and stared up at the glass hotel, that seemed to never end, shock and amazement etched on her face.

She looked down at her phone, checking to see if the directions Hisoka had given her were correct.
'I didn't know he was wealthy.. Guess that's why he didn't need money.'

She placed her backpack on her back, and lifted up the handle on her small blue suitcase, before walking in.

'It's even prettier on the inside!' Reminding herself to ask Hisoka for a tour when she finished settling in.

"May I help you?" A woman, dressed in overly expensive dress clothes had stopped next to her, her tone didn't seem helpful at all.

"I-i'm looking for someone.."
She mentally cursed herself for stuttering, suddenly becoming self-conscious of what she'd arrived in, a black tank top, with blue pajama pants, along with matching blue slippers. No wonder the lady was suspicious.

"I think, you don't belong-"
Her ears perked up when she heard the sing-song voice.

As if arriving on cue, Hisoka stepped through the elevator. He walked past a few staring, rich women, probably mumbling despicable things about him.

He stopped when he was standing directly next to Eclair, snaking one arm around her waist he asked the rich woman, "Is there a problem here?~"

"N-n-not at all Hisoka-sama!" Her eyes slid down to Hisoka's arm, wrapped around Eclair's waist.
"Ok!~ good~"
"P-please enjoy your stay!"

The woman added, though Eclair could sense that it was fake.

The two proceeded to walk to the golden elevators, earning menacing stares, and collective gasps, all of which were seemingly directed towards Eclair.

As soon as the golden doors shut, She snaked her way, out of Hisoka's grasp.
"Thanks.." She mumbled.
"No problem~"

The rest of the ride up was riddled with an awkward silence, but Eclair really was thankful for it.

Upon arriving at one of the very highest floors, the elavator doors swung open.

Walking to a near room door, Hisoka pulled a key card out of his pocket.

'I didn't know that had pockets!'
She mentally gestured to his odd choice of clothing.
'Oh well..'

"Welcome, to my humble abode~" The man stated, as he slowly opened the door.
WooHoo! A long chapter!
I update kinda fast huh? Meh :P anyways!
Enjoy! And comment what you think it'll look like! Maybe I'll incorporate it into the story :)

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