|Don't You Agree?|

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3:08 am
Eclair's eyelids fluttered open, with a silent groan. She was going to check the time but stopped.
'Why can't I move??' She tried to roll to her left, but was stuck on her stomach.

Then it hit her. Hisoka, was on top of her, asleep at that.
'NO. Nonono-' she began trying to wriggle from under him.

Hisoka moaned in his sleep, and wrapped his arms around her.
'Damn, that sounded sexy- WAIT. NO. NONONO. I DID NOT JUST THINK THAT.'

She tried pushing him off her, but he was too heavy. Then she tried waking him up, by whispering his name at first, which eventually turned to her using her, full fledged outdoor voice.

Still no avail.
'Damnit, what do I do...'
She tried wiggling out from under him again, and succeeded, only to fall to the ground with a loud *thud* and wake Hisoka up.

"What the.." He started off, "Why are you on the floor?"
"Oh, so you don't remember spooning me to death??" She glared up at him.

"Hmm, nope~" and with that he rolled over and went back to sleep, leaving Eclair on the ground.

She didn't know weather to be offended, that he didn't offer to help her, or thankful that she was free from his grasp.

8:49 am
Eclair opened her eyes slowly, for the second time that day, and she noticed a certain red-haired man was missing, but there was a sound of water running, letting her know he was in the shower.

She sat up sluggishly, yawning as she did, and raised her arms above her head beginning to stretch, but stopped midway again, and winced.

'I really need to stop doing that..'
Her thoughts were interrupted, by Hisoka walking out of the bathroom, and into the room.

'Wearing nothing but a towel..'
She blushed in spite of herself, and hisoka saw this.
"Like what you see?~" he commented.

"No. I don't." She looked away bashfully, "Now please put some goddammed clothes on.."
"Sure~ As soon as you leave the room~"

She got up, off the bed, "I need to shower anyways.." She said, as she headed into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind her.

10:00 am
Hisoka kept walking straight, as you should when being followed.
Eclair had told him that the mafia would contact him today, and that he should be outside when they did.

With that information he said he'd take a walk, leaving the girl in the safety, of his very own home.

He took a sharp turn, down a dark alley way.

If the mafia wanted him, why not allow him to have his fun first? Not that any of the fools sent his way, would stand a chance.

He stopped when he reached a dead end, and was seemingly trapped.

Four big men in suits stood behind him, all with guns pointed toward him.

"Hisoka," One of the men shouted, "We suggest that you come with us, without resisting!"

Hisoka put his hands up, and turned around, he did so tantalizingly slowly.

"And what if I choose to resist?~" he spoke calmly, his voice laced with venom.

"Then we'll have no choice! You'll be-" the man in the suit stopped, and looked around, just noticing his men were missing.

"Looking for someone?~"
In an instant, Hisoka was behind the man, with a card pointed at his neck. The man's pupils dialated, with fear, and he fired a round, out of reflex.

As if on cue, his three teammates fell from above, and slammed into the ground, their guns clanking against the ground and skulls cracking almost simultaneously, as blood left their now, lifeless bodies.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you.. Yet.~"

His words struck an immense fear into the man's heart, causing him to almost collapse. Almost. "T-then if you aren't going to kill me," he gulped nervously, "What're you-"

Hisoka pushed the card a little deeper, into his neck, drawing a thin line of blood, "Take me, to your boss."

And with that being said, he removed his card from the man, licking the blood from it, and with the twist of his hand, he made it disappear.

The man stood motionless, still fearing for his life, before a sleek, black Nisan Rouge, drove into the alleyway.

The two men got into the backseat, as the car sped off, leaving nothing but the three discarded bodies, and their guns, on the ground.

12:43 pm

They drove out into the country, for about two and a half hours. It seemed whoever this boss was, liked her privacy.

They pulled up to a large, mansion, and parked directly in front of it.

Upon Hisoka's arrival, the two main hall doors were opened. Once he stepped inside, a butler, instructed Hisoka too follow him, leaving the man he drove over with, and the driver, outside on the front porch.

The butler immediately closed the doors, and began leading him down many hallways, and long corridors, before they came to a halt. He knocked on a large, golden door, with many jewels embedded around the edges, and small, window-like compartment opened.

The butler had whispered audiable
things to the compartment, but hisoka wasn't interested enough to listen.

The compartment closed and the door opened slowly, the hinges sqeaking as it did, when they let him in.

Inside the room were small bookshelves lined up against the walls, with small statues, and glass jars that contained dead animals.
'Eww..' Hisoka grimaced. He didn't like keeping dead animals anywhere near him, for it was a filthy habit.

At the end of the bookshelves was a desk with two small chairs in front of it, and a big businesses chair was turned backwards behind it.

A female voice emitted from the chair, instructing her men to give her and Hisoka privacy. The men did as they were told, leaving only the two in the room.

The big chair turned, and faced him, revealing a woman, around her late forties, early fifties sitting down.

She had dark red hair, that was long and thick, and dark grey eyes, that seemed vaguely familiar, but Hisoka shrugged it off.

Her lips were full, and she had a round face, but it suited her. All in all, she was a very beautiful woman.

"Hisoka, I presume?" She asked the man, voice almost amused.
"That would be me~" the woman extended her hand, motioning for him to take a seat.

"Let's get down to business. I need you to kill someone for me." She looked into his eyes, studying his every movement.

"And to whom, do I have the pleasure of presenting this, fine death too?~"

The woman slid over a picture, and Hisoka saw who it was.
'Eclair?' He looked back up at the woman, asking, "And why this, particular person?"
The woman sneered evilly, whilst answering, "She's my daughter."
Woah a chapter *gasp* lml Anyways, I waited for a while to post this because I really didn't like how it was turning out XD
But, after some tweaking of mine, I have made it a little better to my taste so! I hope you'll a enjoy! You can Rate, comment, if ya want :3 they make me happy!

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