forbiden forrest

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First person pov; REGULUS BLACK

After a long day of school it was finnaly time for dinner. I had decided to go back to my dorm room first tho.

As I walked to the dungeons I notice  Barty crouch jr. he's very persistent on the jr in his name. Something to do with his father. Barty's  an asshole 100% but he seems alright. pure blood aswell. Which mother approves of. So that always makes it easier. He was talking to another boy, Evan rosier.

They are complete opposites yet never seem to be apart.

He notices me staring and nods towards me. "What do you want baby black." He asked ignoring Evan now. "Don't call me baby black." I said rolling my eyes. I look back at both the boys and Evan chuckled weakly. "why you are baby black. The youngest second heir in the noble house of black. Plus look at you, you're just a baby." He said nodding towards my body.

I quickly glance down at myself and back at the two boys. It's true..I hadn't hit puberty fully yet. They both have grown over the summer..and their voices had already dropped. I look like a baby compared to them..I frown and pick at the skin around my nails before taking a small breath. "Move. I'm trying to get into the dorm." I said zero tone to my voice. Barty bows his head "anything for you lord baby black" he said chuckling weakly.

I nudge past them both and walk into my room as quickly as possible. as the door closed I lean against it, taking a few deep breaths before walking to my table.

I already know I want to go on a walk today to de-stress from school, but before I do that I decide to sit down and finish homework quickly.

After making a few more notes and doing some book research I decide to grab a late dinner and get set to get ready for my outing.

I remember seeing a forest at the back of the school called the forbidden Forrest or something like that. Seemed like the perfect place to go to be alone.

I dig through my closet trying to find something warm to wear when I find a plain black long-sleeve button up shirt and some trousers. mother never lets us have common clothes. We must always look like we're ready to go to court as she says. I then put some shoes I don't mind getting dirty on and grab my wand and leather gloves.

I quickly stuff my wand into my waistband and begin to walk to the Forrest.

I soon enter the forest and the scent of earth, grass and damp leaves, softly envelops my senses. I take a deep breath of fresh air and begin to walk deeper in the Forrest, as I walk along the trails my mind starts to unwind and my thoughts finnaly slow down. I let out a contented sigh and enjoy the scenery around me.

that's when I heard a twig snap behind me, I quickly grab my wand and turn around my senses soon getting assaulted with the stench of beer and ciggerete smoke. "What you doing down here reg?" asked Sirius.

I froze as the boy who I haven't talked to in a year finnaly speaks to me. "...I just wanted a break from everyone." I Spoke under my breath.

Sirius nods and looks behind him as James and Remus come walking up behind him. My demenour completely changes and I groan "Ofcourse you're not alone. Always have your little servant boys following you around."

Sirius glares at me "go back to your dorm Reggie." he spoke with such dominance. his face stayed stern and he crosses his arms over his chest looking down at me.

"I was here first." Was all I could say to him.

Sirius went to go talk and James quickly buts in "I'll uh! I'll take him back." He said patting Sirius'a shoulder "I'll be back in less than 30 minutes mate.." he spoke gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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