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It was a peaceful evening for Yurim

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It was a peaceful evening for Yurim. Sleeping  all day on the couch with Miro, the tv turned on with the lowest volume was the only company the two had.

No stupid system annoying her, no work to do — just peace.

Dreaming happily about God knows what, Yurim had a smile decorating her face — however, her peace had time counted.

Before she knew it, her phone started ringing — waking not only her and Miro but also the system.

At the sudden sound, the little white dog with pink ears got up and ran behind the couch, hiding from whatever she thought would get her.

The pink haired girl sat up, her hair flying all directions, and looked around, trying to associate where she was, who she was and all she didn't remember.

When her brain finally started working properly and she honestly felt like turning off her phone and going back to sleep, but she knew it won't be possible when she saw at the pink hologram in front of her.

'would you rather pick up the phone or not'
reward: 50 points or 5 points.

The teenager girl glared at the phone for some good minutes — maybe actually considering on discarding the points — before sighing and finally picking it up.

"Yes?" Her voice sounded so rough that Yurim herself cringed.

«You sick?» The voice on the other side asked.

"Yeah, sick of you." The pink haired girl bitted back. "I was sleeping, what do you want?"

«I have some news..» The boy tailed off.

"Boring news or gossip?" Yurim asked, turning off the tv and getting up to the kitchen.

«Both.» He told her. «And sadly we'll have to leave the gossip for later. This is serious.»

He could hear his friend sighing and already imagined her expression. Yurim left her phone on the kitchen's counter with the speaker on as she went on with her life.

"Just get it done with.." The pinkette sat a bowl of dog food for Miro and started making her own.

«Well, for starters Daniel Park is in Workers' possession.» The boy talked fast, filling the girl in everything he knew.

"Huh? The fuck you mean 'in Workers' possession'?" The girl sat down on the kitchen's island, a bowl with cereals with her. "How can someone be in their possession? Did he sell himself like Sinu?"

«So, you know how they tried to take down the second affiliate? You even helped and all.» The informant sighed, getting ready to recall all the event of some nights ago as Yurim made an approving sound. «Yeah, apparently, none of you noticed that Big Daniel disappeared after that

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