Text messages

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N O T P R O O F R E A D Previously on forbidden love,
The text said......

Sarah's p.o.v
I Picked up my phone and looked at the message and that's when my stomach dropped, I immediately put my phone away, what did I do to deserve this all, why me.... Why, what did I do all i did was try to be happy and when I am, people just come and take it from me, I guess I'm just always supposed to be alone these were all the things that were spinning in my thoughts, the urge of something sharp against my skin was in desperate need, I can feel my world crumble right in front of me, I put on a fake smile and continued my day, everyone asked if I was okay and I just replied with a nod. After Disney land we headed home I went straight to bed, after a while a felt a body move me closer to them, I cold smell his perfume he wears I knew straight away that it was Neymar good night I mumbled and he my mumbled back a good night as well.I woke up sweating and crying, the nightmares are coming back he's going to come back he's going to come back I kept on repeating what if he hurts Neymar what if.... That's all I thought.

N E Y M A R. P. O. V
I could hear Sarah talking to her self she was saying what will happen if he comes back what if he hurts Neymar she kept on repeating. " Sarah, baby what's wrong" "ummmm" she hesitated "if your not ready to tell me than don't, just tell me when your ready, just remember that nothing and i mean nothing will hurt you" she smiled and than lauded her head back down I stayed awake until she fell asleep.

N E X T. M O R N I N G
S A R H A ' s. P . O . V
"good morning beautiful" Neymar said "good morning" I said I'm going to go make breakfast and then we will talk he said and then left i don't know what to do, do I tell Neymar about the text or do I just leave it *sighs* I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I washed my face and brushed my teeth and then headed down stairs to see what Neymar was doing, I came down stairs to see a whole breakfast set up for us, Neymar was already eating so I just sat down and ate.
"Sarah are you gonna tell me about why you were so down yesterday" Neymar said
"Come on you know you can tell me" he said
"Well... I had gotten this text"
"What does the text say" he asked
I took out my phone and showed him he read it out load.
Text message
Your worthless and don't deserve to live or even have happiness you think your life is going great but just wait until Neymar leaves you for another girl because you just look like and old lady, I'm going to come back for you, do you understand me and I'm going to make you life a living hell don't think I don't know about you past because I do, haha being all pathetic with you sucks attempts over some boys, haha no wonder why no one wanted you that's why your parents left you, haha well don't think this is the last text your gonna get from me.

after reading that my heart dropped she was suicidal and her parents left her yet she still put on a smile, I still wonder who did this who was the low life to do this to someone's life like really. " I'm never going to leave you no matter what, yes I might do stupid things but I want you to always remember this I live you and you only I may get drunk and do some Things I shouldn't but you have to know that I only love you and only you okay" I said
"I know Neymar but it's my past that's coming to get me and I don't want you to get hurt but it's to know that you do" she said
The rest of the Day consisted of just chilling.

Authors note
Hey guys so this chapter is for Shayal because she would've killed me if I didn't tell you guys what the text said so yeah here you go and yea. so guys I'm leaving to go to Fiji soon and I'm not 100% sure if I can update but I will try. school holiday are finally here so I might be updating more. okay bye

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