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12 years ago
"The court now declare that Mr. Romano will keep his sons while Mrs. Romano will have the full custody of her daughter. I addition to this Mr. Romano will provide child support for Ms Arabella Romano. The court is now dismissed" said the judge while using his hammer. The whole courtroom full of a now silent Romano family was in a trance. They  couldn't be more sad than leaving their only girl but they knew they can't do anything now.

Elena Romano was the first one to regain her senses and went to get her daughter who was stuck to her father's side. Seeing this her heart broke but she knew she had to do it. She couldn't stay will Armando Romano anymore. She wanted to gain the custody of all her sons also but I wasn't possible seeing they made their own decision to stay with their father. But she won't let her daughter go. She won't let her face the same difficulties that she had while living in Romano mansion. She won't let her know the reason of her decision even if it meant taking her daughter from her loved ones and hurting her.

"Ara..." called Elena to her daughter who was silent this whole time being strong but now tears were falling from her eyes. Arabella was still in her trance not making any sound. She heard her mother calling her. She knew she have to leave but even thinking about it broke her heart. Even though she was 5 she knew what was happening. She heard from her family and her mother had talk to her about it. She knew if she let go of her father's arm she wouldn't be able to see him ever. The thought break her heart.
"Ara... Come. We need to go." called Elena again knowing the turmoil in her daughter's head. She knew what she was thinking. She knew what she was doing was wrong but she can't let her go.

Hearing her mother's voice calling her again Arabella turn to her dad who was already looking down on her, tears in his eyes but he didn't let them fall. She knew her father was hurting just as her. She was afterall her father's copy. The same beautiful midnight black hair and the same brown eyes whose shade changes everything. She was her father's girl with the same attitude never taking any shit from anyone.

Many thoughts were going in little Ara mind making her happy and sad at the same time. She remembered everything she had done with her family making beautiful memories.

Seeing her daughter's face Armano lips left a long sigh gaining Arabella attention. She knew its time. With that thought she step on the bench she was sitting on kissed her father's cheek not looking in his eyes. Armando breath hitched when Ara kissed his cheek knowing it's time for her to go. Her precious daughter whom he loved more than anyone was leaving. He never would see her again. Her first day of kindergarten, her first prom he would miss it all. Hearing his thoughts Armando hugged her daughter tightly finally letting silent tears fall from his eyes.

Elena who was standing by the side was watching this with an emotionless face but inside her own heart was in turmoil. She looked up from the duo when she heard the sounds of footsteps coming towards her. Turning to the sound she saw all her sons standing there all with emotionless faces just like their father had taught them but they couldn't hide the hatred they felt for the woman standing in front of them. Seeing this Elena wants to chuckle at their expression but she decided against it. She bend down to her youngest son height who was hiding behind her oldest brother looking at mother with so much emotions that she couldn't help but yearn to hug him

"Emiliano..." called Elena to her son with so much love  opening her arms. Emiliano hearing her mother's voice couldn't bear to be strong anymore and ran to her. He throw himself at her hugging her neck for dear life. "It's alright. I love you." Those words were all it took for tears to fall like a river from his eyes sobbing her hears mother's neck.  Elena ran her fingers through her son's curly dark brown locks providing comfort. Only the silent sobs of the little boy could be heard in the courtroom full of people.
After when the cries turn to hiccups she let go of her son and wiped his cheeks. She kissed his forehead lovingly lingering her lips for a moment as it would be the last time she would kiss her baby boy.
After letting go her son she stood up again wiping her tears that have fallen from her eyes. Turning towards her ex husband she saw him already looking at her standing  behind her holding her daughter in his arms.
Taking a step towards him she raised her arms to take Arabella from her father. Armando holding his daughter tightly hesitant to let go finally gave her to her mother. Arabella saw all this. The face of her father and her brother was forever be in her mind.
"Take care of them." said Elena to her husband after securing Ara in her arms buring her head in her neck. "You don't have to worry." came the reply of Armando with coldness,  no emotion in his voice sending a grown man running with his aura.
Taking this as her cue Elena nod towards him and turn around walking out of the room in long strides with her head held high leaving behind a now broken family. But was she also not broken?

That was the day when anyone saw the Arabella Lila Romano for the last time...

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