8. Cabin

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*Riccardo pov*
~3 hours later~

Hearing the pilot from the intercom that we will land soon I got up from my seat and went to wake Ara- Alexandra up. God! It's weird calling her that!

After knocking on her door I waited for a few minutes for her to open it. Soon a click sound was heard and her head popped out of the door looking at me as I have committed the biggest sin on the earth. Her eyes still had sleep in them.

"We're landing soon. Come on buckle up"

I told her and waited as she nodded and fetch her stuff. As she come out I motioned her to move as I trailed behind her. Putting her bag back in its place she sit in her previous seat beside me. Before waking her up I asked Antonio to go back to his seat. I know she is scared to her brothers. The fear I saw in her eyes yesterday was something and that's why she chose a seat beside me in the first place.

After buckling ourself we soon land and she again closed her eyes tightly the stress ball she had was almost destroyed by how hard she was clutching it. When she was sure we are completely on land she opened her eyes and leave the ball but it stays in its destroyed position. Rolling her eyes he just throw it in the dustbin as it was of no use anyway.

After getting our stuff we all give inside the limo waiting for us and soon drive towards the safe house. Apparently it's never been used. Soon we reach the forest area and drove down the road hidden from the people. All this time Ar- Alexandra was looking outside as her brows furrowed. Stopping in the middle of nowhere Domenico asked us to leave the car. After collecting our stuff the driver left.

"We are gonna walk from here. The cabins a give minute walk from it."

Knowing why he did it we all started walking with our luggage with him leading the direction. Alexandra was in the last looking around her surroundings. Slowing my steps I walk beside her to keep an eye. She give me a glance when she felt my presence but go back to looking around. Her dog which has now join us never leaving her side. I was only for the plane ride did she put him in a separate area. The dog literally stuck to her side from when we landed not letting us come near her. He growled at me when I decided to take a step towards her but refrain from doing so. The dog's out to get blood!

Soon we reach the cabin. It was a small one story house that looks like a home for a normal American with white walls, blank door and window frames and a little garden and porch in front of it.After getting inside and putting our stuff away temporary we all sit in the living room. The dog sleeping on the front porch. It's already been 8 by the time we get here. Domenico told us that this place only has four rooms and we have to share them. He and Alfonso will be sharing one which is on this floor while the others can decide what rooms they want for themselves in the basement. The twins immediately decided to share one not wanting Alexandra to stay with them. While Emiliano asked me to share one with him. They couldn't make it any less obvious how they didn't want her here. I saw hurt and sadness flash in eyes but it was as soon as it came. Moving forward it only leaves her and Antonio.

I saw her looking at him but then she rolled her eyes looking at Dom, her face matching his. Both cold and stoic.

" I will sleep in the living room. Is there and extra mattress here?"
She asked him.

"There's one in the room on the left. You can just sleep in the rooms downstairs you know." ,He told her not knowing the reason of clear hostility she has since he suggested it.

"I will just sleep here. It just one night only anyway."

"What do you mean?"

Antonio asked her but she chose to ignore him. By the time she's been with us I learn that she keeps her emotions in check. As good as us if not better like Dom both not letting on what they are feeling. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. I also know if she didn't want she wouldn't answer Tony no matter what happens. She's clearly hiding something that's for sure.

"I have a house here. Just a few minutes walk away. It's more comfy there than sharing a room in the basement so I will just go there around noon."

"Stop being a bitch Arabella. It's already enough that we brought you here with us."
Lorenzo told her completely losing it. With his anger issues I am surprised he didn't kill her. I also saw sadness in Antonio's eyes when she denied to share a room with him but it turns into fury when Enzo called her a bitch. In all are brothers Tony is the only one who shows most of his emotions and who might also consider Alexandra his sister. Do it wasn't a surprise seeing his reaction.

"First it's Alexandra. Learn the damn name. Alexandra. Reina. White. Second if I feel safe in my home I will live in my home. I have been coming here for the past few years and knows which area is dangerous and don't want to be the food of some wild animals. Third I didn't ask you not your brothers to bring me with you all just because it's not safe back at the mansion. I could take care of myself. I have been doing that for years now. "

Damn she knows how to roast someone. I also saw how she called Domenico 'your' brother not 'our' and the house mansion. She didn't even acknowledge Tony who has been calling her every year to check up on her and wait! Did she say-

"Wild animals!" Emiliano shout making us all cover our ears. I mean I get it. I also wouldn't want to die young. I am too handsome for that. I saw Alexandra shaking her head at him as if looking at a child who she's done with. To be honest I am too but it's hilarious!

"Yes wild animals. Like wolves, bears etc. There are few in this area. I am sure your brother must have done something about them before bringing you here. Or he just wants to get rid of your annoying butts. Ask him"

She told Emiliano explaining him slowly as is he's a child the sarcasm never leaving her voice as she pointed to Dom and I couldn't help the chuckle leaving my mouth my face full of amusement the corner of my lips turn up slightly for a second. She looked at me hearing me laugh but turn back as soon shaking her head slightly.

"Yes there were some. But we have taken care of them. The areas completely safe. How do you know it's not safe back home." Dom told us all but his eyes were only on the one who's asked the question asking her one himself.

"I am just saying mine's bigger and safer than here. You all can live her for all I care but I am leaving for my place. As for how I know, it isn't some rocket science to know you have enemies with his big the Romano Empire is. I may have been young but I wasn't dumb to know why we have security when I live there unlike certain people"
She told us and went towards the  bathroom slamming the door behind her leaving us stunned. She's smart. I will give her that for joining the dots together in a short time. Its true not matter what happened we wouldn't bring her with us if it's wasn't because of the danger lurking at home. It may sound cruel but it's better for her to stay away from us. Her life and ours are completely different and we have no intention of letting her in. It's for her sake only that she leave us just like she did back all these years ago.

After a few minutes everyone came out of their trance and went to their respective rooms to freshen up. Soon we gather back around the living room eating pizza that Antonio oh so graciously put in the microwave. Note the sarcasm!

After eating dinner we all left for our rooms. I leave at last filling a glass of water to not make it obvious as I watched Alexandra making her bed by connecting both sofas together and putting her mattress on them. She also put a bed sheet on the backs of each making it look like a tent. After making sure she's in it I too also left from there wanted to sleep the exhaustion away.

Laying in my bed the thoughts invaded my mind lulling me to sleep the last one made me smile just for a second.

"She has beautiful voice."

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