6. Scars and Sisters

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After zipping the bag I turn to Edward who was looking at me with adoration. My heart melt and I hugged him tight feeling safe in his embrace.

" Take care while I am away."

Hearing me he just hugged me tight nodding at me. "You too" his voice was full of emotions as he patted my head breaking the hug. I smiled at him knowing how much he yearn to hear my voice. Turning to Micheal I put my keys in his hands. " A scratch on it and you would think I was better to face Domenico." I told him glaring as his gulped before taking the keys and nodding his head like an obedient child. I nodded back and turn to go to the jet my luggage already been put inside by the guards.

As I was walking I can feel my brothers eyes at me but they all entered the jet as if they weren't staring at me. Antonio who was waiting by the stairs decided it was a good idea to put his hand on my back. I flinched at the contact and pushed his hand away harshly. I looked sad but I didn't give him time to say shit and went up the stairs.

Entering I see two seats empty with the youngest three and the oldest three together on each sides. Still scared of yesterday incident I decided to sit with in the oldest side seat which happened to be by Riccardo, the most sane brother. Sighing I closed my eyes already done with this day. Antonio entered a moment later his eyes lingering on me but he took the seat on the youngest side with Emiliano beside him. Soon the pilot voice was heard on the intercom asking is to buckle up and we were in the air after a few minutes.

When I was sure that there would be no turbulence I opened my eyes and breath a sigh of relief unclenching my fist. I could have just hold Riccardo's hand to get rid of the anxiety I felt during flying but neither he would have appreciate it nor I liked any physical contact.

We both are strangers who are forced to live together. In fact all those brothers and me are. They all are family while I live my life like a lonely wolf. They have eachother at times of distress while I have to collect my broken self again and again. They have each other to lean on while I don't have anyone to care about me. They have a home while I don't!

Clenching my jaw I count to 10 in my head for my thoughts to stops. After knowing I won't break down and the tears that were threatening to fall were gone I took off my sunglasses running the hand throw my hair massaging my scalps.

"You have blue eyes!?!"
The sudden shriek from Antonio make me jump a little in my seat. Turning towards him I can see the screws turning in his brain. Right he didn't know about my eyes None of the brothers know. They have seen my brown eyes only when we were in the living room. They must have thought I just dyed my hair blonde. Now with my blue contact eyes and blonde hair I look like my Mother when I look like Mr Romano in the first five years of living.

I can see everyone of my brother looking at me as if I am an alien waiting for me to reply. I just rolled my eyes and stood up from my seat taking out my bag from the overhead compartment.

"He asked you a question Arabella."
"And I chose not to answer"
I replied back to Alfonso in the same cold and blunt voice not caring if I was being rude. I am sure it must still be a shock to hear me speak since he decided to just shut his mouth. I went towards the sofa they have in the plane, a big tv in front of it. I opened my bag and took out a first aid kit I keep for emergency in it. Placing it on the table near the sofa I sit on the it and took off my gloves.

As expected both my hands are red from blood. My right hand covered in bandages from my melt down from last night while the left hand has half crescent moon of nails on the palm from  clenching my fists. Removing the bandages I first started treating  my knuckles that were bleeding quite a lot. Let just say my old room look more like a junk yard with holes in the wall. After dabbing the cotton in alcohol I clean the blood hissing as it made contact with the open skin. The old scars scattered on my skin appeared as I wiped the blood each telling a story of itself. Making sure that everything was good I put the cream on it and wrapped my knuckles.

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