2. Oldest Brother rules

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"Ma'am we re here"
Was what jolted me awake from my self pity. Looking outside behind the black gates stand the Romano mansion in all its glory, the place I once called home secured by the guards from all sides.

Nodding at the driver and taking out my suitcases I payed him and start moving towards the gates. Hearing my footsteps the four guards turn towards me eyeing me up and down behind their sunglasses. Going towards who seem to be the boss of them I look him in the eyes which seem to make him rose his eyebrows and taking off his glasses eyes swirling with mockery.

"And who might you be?" Hearing the amusement and arrogance in his eyes I can't help but rol my eyes. "Great so he didn't even tell the guards." was what going through my head while I take out my Id and give him to see.

After eyeing my name he hand it back to me but his face clearly show that he doesn't believe it. "Sorry sweetheart, but you can't fool me with a fake id."

Hearing him question my id my anger rose and I so wanna shout at that older brother of mine. Like seriously I also don't wanna be here!

Before I can open my mouth to give him a piece of mind I saw someone running towards us. Looking up it was a muscular old man with grey eyes and specks of grey in his hair. After seeing me standing there he runs faster and that's when I remember who he is.

Edward Reid. The head of security when I was a child also my secret candy store. After reaching us he bend down to catch his breath while I stand there taking him in. His face is the same emotionless as it was but meeting my eyes I can see adoration in them, the same emotion he held since I have known him.

"Miss Romano, it's good to have you back. Welcome home." he said cheerfully while coming to stand in front of me holding out his hand. Giving it a firm shake and a nod in acknowledgement I smile softly a him while his lips turn into a huge grin.

"It's good to have you back little one." saying it he pull me in a comforting hug which I return back. "Little one" was what the staff used to call me here.

Leaving the hug I turn towards the young man who question my id seeing his sweating buckets. Now I rose my eyebrows in challenge and mockery the same way he did. Seeing the man standing near my luggage Edward decided to introduce him and I so wanted to laugh at his expression but decided against it.

"Little one, meet Micheal, my son and a underboss of the security here." saying this Edward turn towards his son who was till looking at me with wide eyes. The colour on his face long gone while staring at me.

Hearing a clear of throat from his father his turns towards him while quickly turning back towards me and bowing his head. "Its good to see you Miss Romano. I apologise for the inconvenience I caused." seeing him bowing and apologising the other guards also came and bow their head. That same guards who were looking me with emotions that I don't want to think.

Thinking it's enough I give a curt nod to him and turn to Edward who told them to go back to their posts which they hurriedly did as their pants are on fire. Taking the handles of the suitcases Edward turn towards the gates asking me to follow him which I did swinging my bag over my shoulders.

"I am sorry if the security gives you a hard time. It's just they weren't inform of your arrival. I only got to know a few minutes ago" Edward said while looking back at me. I just give him a nod and pat his shoulder just like it did as a toddler saying its alright.

"You don't talk much now do you." hearing him say with humour in his voice I couldn't help but let a small grin show on my face remembering all the times I used to make their ears bleed listening to my babble.

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