11. Cottage

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*Riccardo pov*

Leaving my room I ran up the last stairs with Antonio as we heard Domenico shout coming from the living room. Reaching I saw twins and Emiliano enter from the back door probably from the noise as we all watched in silence as the youngest and oldest fought. Although they weren't shouting at each other but the tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

None of them back down as they glared at each other and we all wait to see what unfold. What felt like years but was only a few minutes Arabella answered Domenico and the rage I saw in her eyes make me shiver run my spine.

No. The simple reply of her made the Italian capo lose his cool. Domenico isn't the person to show his emotions and if he is showing then he is mad. Very very mad.

We watched as Ara turn around to open the door but Domenico grip her hand and pushed her backwards. I stepped forward to catch her as she stumbled from the surprised move but gained her balance just as quick.

Before she could grasp on what happened Domenico gripped her hand and jaw and made her looked him in the eyes. The calmness that was there was replaced by rage. Antonio and Alfonso were right beside Domenico  the next second to calm him down. An angry Don in never a good news.

"I wasn't asking you Arabella. I-"
"It's Alexandra!"

She cut Dom in the same voice and by this point I think she's either really brave or purely stupid. I choose the latter. No one in their sabe mind cross Dom.

"I will call you what I want. Don't you dare cut me again. Am I clear."


Deciding that its best to keep her mouth shut she nod her head while looking away from him.

"Looking me in the eyes when I am talking to you."

Clenching her jaw she closed her eyes as she turn her face away from him as her mouth moved silently probably cursing. After a moment  she finally looked him in the eyes with the same rage in them challenging him to back off. She wiggled in his hold to free herself clearly implying she wasn't appreciating how he is holding her.

Alfonso and Antonio are also trying to free her from Dom and calming him down. As they talked with him Ara swiped her feet around Dom catching him off guard. Freeing her hand from his grasp she rubs her jaw in pain and I can clearly see the hand marks in her wrist. Looking at Dom with blazing anger she gives him an upper cut. All are eyes were wide as saucers as he stumbled back when Ara swiped his feet off the ground but Antonio catched him. She went again to punch him but by now his guard was up. He blocked all her attacks but she didn't stop. Her anger was at it peak.

"Don't you dare touch me!"

She shouted at him breathing deeply. Her hands rubbed each other trying to get his touch off as if it burned her.

Taking deep breath to calm down she took her bags and sprint out of the doors without looking back. Just as she passed her eyes met with Dom for a second but she didn't stop and I saw something deep in his eyes. Regret. He regret hurting her.

Before anyone else could see it was gone. I don't think anyone else catch it. I only saw it because I was looking at Ara's eyes all this time. Eyes don't lie and when you have been in this profession you learn to read them. In her eyes I saw blankness but there was more. Something she's trying to hide. The panic and fear she had for Domenico as he held her can't be hidden.

Does it have anything to do with the tests?
What if-
My mind was filled with all possible scenarios as I run behind her. Its not good to leave her alone. Though I don't care but I have to find out the answers to the questions going in my mind.
Or you do
Shut up stupid mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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