Twenty four

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Grace stood in the mikaelson manor. She had no idea why she was even still here especially as she knew that Esther was there. She looked to see klaus as he stood in the doorway

"You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?!" Klaus asked as he looked to Rebekah

"Here we go." Rebekah said

"Leave her it will be the only entertaining thing to happen around here" Grace said

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus asked Rebekah

" Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol asked

"Well he likes to turn into a dog and howl at the moon" Bella said as grace laughed

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself. Grace calm your sister" klaus said

"No she's funny" Grace said

"And who are you, my father?" Kol asked

" No, Kol, but you're in my house." Klaus said

"Then perhaps we should go outside." Kol said

"Oh grow up" Grace said

Klaus and Kol stare at each other. Esther walks in.

"Enough! Niklaus. Come." Esther said as Klaus goes into another room with his mother.

"The wicked witch of the west is making herself known isn't she" Bella said

"I hate her. She's the reason we turned all I wanted to do was have a normal life" Grace said as she followed them into the other room. She knew how she didn't trust Esther and she wasn't going to leave klaus alone with her as she knew how likely that he was to forgive her

"Rebekah wasn't even out of her box a day before she tried to ruin my life. What happened to peace, acceptance, family?" Klaus said

"You put daggers in their hearts. You want them to go down on their knees and kiss your feet for reuniting them?" Esther asked

"Shame it wasn't you" Grace said as they both looked to her. Klaus was trying to hold back the smirk

"So it's a crime to want our family to be as we were?" Klaus asked

"You need to give it time, Niklaus. I've had a thousand years on the other side to be angry and to heal. I'm here to make sure this family does the same." Esther said

" I just don't understand. I killed you, and still you forgive me." Klaus said

"Yeah it's a shame she didn't remain dead" Grace said

"Grace" klaus said

"It's been my dream for a thousand years that this family could be as one. Forgiveness is not a chore. It's a gift. Now, who are you bringing to the ball this evening?" Esther asked

"Don't be ridiculous. You're lucky I'm even going."

"Well, I wish you would reconsider. It is going to be a magical evening." Esther said

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