In Training

177 17 2

21 BBY

Training/The First Battle of Felucia

Generals: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker

Masters: Yoda

Y/n defended off another lightsaber swing from Yoda and recuperated himself to gain balance.

Yoda: Watch, young Padawans, the flow of the battle, we will follow.

Younglings were strewn around the training mat watching the duel.

Y/n: You're going down, Master.

Yoda: Confident, the opponent is. Cocky, he is also.

Y/n tried an overhead strike but Yoda blocked it. For someone so small, Yoda was surprisingly strong which didn't help seeing as he was incredibly fast and nimble as well.

Any strike Y/n threw was either blocked or dodged. He flipped over Y/n and hit him with a light force push, making him fall over.

The younglings laughed as Y/n got back to his feet.

Yoda: See how Soresu protects me it does. If the opponent is cocky attack heavily he will. 

He holstered his lightsaber after turning it off and Y/n did the same. 

Yoda: Practice with your partners, you will. Use what you have learned you will also.

The younglings stood up and equipped their lightsabers turning to their partners. Y/n put his hands on his hips as he watched everyone train their Form 3. 

Yoda: Remember when we did this I do. 

Y/n: How could I forget? Got knocked on my ass by Ahsoka day 1. 

Yoda: You trained hard, but was never enough, was it?

Y/n: I had to master it before moving on to Ataru. Just a rule of mine. I was pretty stubborn.

Yoda glanced at his newish lightsaber on his new belt.

Yoda: New lightsaber you have constructed. 

Y/n: Huh, oh yeah. On the Malevolence, General Grievous knocked it off a tram. I couldn't retrieve it before the Malevolence exploded. 

Yoda: Understand I do. Show it to me.

Y/n took the saber off of his belt and knelt down to let Yoda see it in greater detail.

Yoda: Strong grip it has. Better for dueling, I suppose.

Y/n: Ahsoka said the same thing. I made the grip stronger to use Djem So more effectively. Grievous seemed to struggle under its technique and I suppose I'll be seeing him more often than I want to in the future.

Yoda: Fair this is. And the armor?

He observed the robes fitted with the upper-body plastoid shoulder pads and collar. 

Y/n: A gift from Cody and the 212th for Ryloth. No offense but, I think this'll protect me more than my previous robes.

Yoda did a small chuckle that made Y/n confused.

Y/n: What?

Yoda: Nothing specific I laugh about. Just proud I am.

Y/n let out a small smile himself. The tender moment was short-lived as the comms unit on the wall beeped.

Y/n: Valkiln, what's wrong?

Mace: Please come to the council room, bring Master Yoda with you.

Y/n: Yes, Master. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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