Chapter 4

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When Tweek went down for dinner that night, his parents decided to talk to him.

"So, you got suspended today?" His mom asked.

Tweek nodded while taking a bite into a portion of his green beans.

His parents exchanged serious glances.

"Why?" His dad asked.

"I got in a fight." Tweek said.

"With who?" His mom asked.

"Some kid."

His parents exchanged looks again.

"You need to apologize to them." His mom said again.

This caught Tweek's attention,"What? Why?"

"Well, imagine how this can make us look, and the coffee shop. I mean, we'll be the parents of a violent kid, who works at our coffee shop, then people will see you as a violent employee, and think that if you're in a bad mood, you might hurt them. In short, they'll stop coming to the shop."

"And we'll have to sell you into slavery."

That made Tweek scared, his parents always joked about that but Tweek never found it funny.

"Okay." Tweek agreed, as he continued his dinner.

He didn't know how he felt about having to apologize, but he still agreed.

Only to make his parents happy.

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