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Lily, who was running through the third floor, looked for any signs of Mia and Jessie being close by, but to her luck, she couldn't find them. What's way worse is she didn't have a flashlight. She searched throughout her bag, to her luck she did, but when she turned it on, the flashlight was quite weak.

"It's about to die, but with light coming out it will do for now." she muttered to herself as she navigated her way through the dark hallway.

She was quite nervous since she was all alone, far away from Tom and the others. She kept looking back and front, so nothing would pop out of her, suddenly she heard a faint stomping. She paused for a moment, the stomping was fast, it was getting louder and louder, she was too scared to move, then she looked behind her and shone the flashlight at the dark hallway. She saw the demon chasing after her, she was so terrified she flinched when she saw it and decided to make a break for it.

The demon caught sight of her and continued to chase her throughout the hallway and the stairs up and down, it felt like an endless labyrinth. There was no place to hide, She ran faster than the demon with all the remaining strength she had. But that didn't end well since she wasn't looking where she was going and slipped on a glass shard, and fell to the ground. She had no time to get back up as the demon had grabbed and lifted her by the neck and started to choke her.

"You won't get away with this!" she said while trying to gasp for air while trying to kick the demon with her legs. The demon didn't listen as she continued to choke her until she was starting to grow weak. Everything was going black she was about to die.

Until suddenly...

"Hey!" A voice called out from the back. The demon looked behind and dropped Lily to the floor as she tried to catch her breath.

"Just who do you think you are to get in my way of killing?" the demon snarled with annoyance.

"Just because you're a demon, doesn't mean you can beat the crap out of someone." Soon a girl walked out of the shadow holding a crowbar, followed by a goth girl with a bloody mallet in her hand.

"Mia, Jessie!" Lily cried.

The demon grinned its usual grin again. "Ahh... You two... Perhaps you came to give me your lives?" the demon asked while he showed his hands on flames ready to burn them to a crisp.

"Pretty much the opposite." Mia answered with a smug look on her face. "We're here to kill you."

"Is that so?" the demon asked pretending to look surprised, soon he grinned and his entire body burst into flames. "I won't hold back on puny mortals like you!" he sadistically replied.

The demon wasn't paying attention to Lily as she got back up on her feet with her club in her hand, she swung her club, aiming for the demon's head but to her shock, the demon had caught the club, it threw the club aside and hit her on the stomach, she flew far away as the demon hit her hard. The demon smiles creepily as it walks toward Lily to finish her off, but suddenly. He felt a hit somehow hard and somehow sharp. He was struck in the back with a crowbar by Mia. "You little-" the demon hissed but before he could finish his sentence, Jessie had hit him on the face with a mallet.

The demon fell into the floor unconscious from the hit as Mia and Jessie brutally beat him with their weapons to death. It was bloodied as the flames surrounding it died out after being covered by blood. Lily was amazed, they were finally going to be free. Mia and Jessie soon stand up and walk away from the demon's bloody corpse, and walked to Lily.

The three shared a hug, they had triumphed over the demon as its body lay motionless on the ground. "We can finally go home." Mia said.

"I can't wait to tell the others!" Lily shouted.

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