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As for Percy, he was still alright, the only problem is, he's lost and alone. In an unfamiliar hallway, maybe he lost sense of direction? The place had no navigator map. He opened his phone, there was no signal to call for help. He had to survive on his own, without anyone to help him.

"Man, I'm scared." Percy muttered to himself as he whimpered.

Percy looked around his surroundings. It was so dark he couldn't make out where he was.

He shone his flashlight, it's light was quite weak, but it would do for now unless he could find batteries in the area he's in. "Isn't there a map in this place?" he muttered to himself. He walked along the hallway. Percy looked around him, after seeing the demon in front of them at the exit before. He felt fear that the demon could be behind the doors or behind the dark hallway about to pounce on him at any moment.

Suddenly, he heard a twig snap. His body froze in fear for a moment, he looked behind him, nobody was there. He gulped and walked straight forward. While looking down and behind him, he tried to not make a sound and make sure no one was following him.

He kept walking, and walking, until his feet started to ache.. Sooner or later, he saw a stairway. He looked at the sign but it was covered in debris that was unreadable. He tried to flick it off but it was a bit out of his reach. He wondered if this was the third floor if he walked up it. Shaking, he swallowed up his pride and walked up the stairs, he was at an unknown floor. He saw the sign again on the floor, also covered in debris. He flicked the debris off the sign and saw that he was on the third floor.

"Now I have to look for everyone, so we can get out of this place." he spoke to himself.

"I don't think so." a raspy voice spoke behind him.

The hair on Percy's body stood straight up, his nightmare had come true. The demon was behind him with a sadistic grin, he screamed from the top of his lungs and ran as fast as his legs could carry as the demon chased him in pursuit.

Percy was still being chased by the demon. He had gotten himself cornered, the devil's heavy footsteps got louder and louder, He had to think fast, the demon could kill him at any moment. Soon the demon had come close to him. He was out of options, "I've got you now." the demon said with bloodlust on his eyes along with a horrifying grin. Percy looked at the demon, it looked so scary as if he'd faint by even looking at it.

He closed his eyes, ready to accept his fate as the demon went closer. The demon's flames surrounding his body made him sweat more than he usually does. He heard the demon's mouth opening. He wanted to take a look at his own demise but didn't dare open his eyes to witness such a gruesome fate about to happen in front of him.

There was a sudden sound. He flinched but didn't make a sound. He opened his eyes a little. The demon wasn't looking at him, it was looking behind it. He could've already made his move but he was cornered with no escape. The demon decided to chase the one who threw an object at him. As Percy remained as silent as possible to not attract the demon's attention. Percy stood still, in a state of shock and confusion.

"How is it that stupid to chase after what attacked it when it could have killed me defenseless?" Percy thought to himself. "But then again.. I thank whoever threw that to save my life." He then walked away from the corner, and looked around the walls so he wouldn't miss a glimpse of a stairway.

On the other side of the dark hallway that Percy was in, a few minutes back to when Percy was about to be killed, Tom and Lily had climbed up the third floor and heard a faint scream. "It's Percy, let's check it out." he said as they went to the left side of the third floor, and they were quite horrified by what they saw but didn't dare to make a sound.

The Asylum of Moondust StreetWhere stories live. Discover now