Chapter 15: Can I be close to you

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Noah didn't know what she expected when she limped into Emily's house but it certainly wasn't to be greeted with the nicest human being on the planet. She hesitantly trudged through the entryway, feeling Paul hovering behind her. Noah knew he was watching her like a hawk, tracking if she grunted or winced or if she limped particularly heavily. Noah got the feeling that Paul wouldn't be happy unless he was carrying her, but Noah ignored him. She could admit to herself that she wasn't necessarily fine, but she certainly wasn't dying - well not anymore.

Noah had barely stepped one foot into the kitchen when Emily absolutely beamed at the sight of her. Noah was taken aback at how happy this woman she had never met before looked at the sight of her. She was even more taken aback when Emily rushed over to pull her into a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh my goodness," Emily gushed, squeezing Noah tightly into her embrace and rocking her side to side. The air left Noah's body in a whoosh and it took everything in her not to crumble at the sudden pain that throbbed with a vengeance.

Internally, Noah was screaming at the sharp pain that bloomed from her ribs but she was pretty sure she had done a good job of keeping the wince off her face - containing her reaction to watery eyes and clenched teeth. But of course, it was practically impossible to fool someone who was studying you intensely for any outward sign of discomfort. Unsurprisingly, Paul came rushing over looking moderately alarmed.

"Careful, Em," Paul interjected, struggling to keep the urgency from hardening his voice. And looking altogether like he was one second away from lunging at them. "Noah would never say anything, but she's in a bit of pain right now."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," Emily cried out, stepping back. As if even being too close would cause Noah more discomfort. "Why don't you go sit on the couch? I'll make you some hot chocolate and a muffin."

"Really it's okay," Noah stressed, throwing a look at Paul, "My pain isn't that bad right now." But she allowed herself to be led into the other room nonetheless. Refraining from commenting on how Emily's hands subconsciously hovered near her, too scared to touch.

"You are such a little liar," Paul laughed in disbelief, trailing behind them. Noah glared at him, mouthing a shut the fuck up. He only laughed harder at this and Noah thought about crossing the room to punch him straight in the face.

"Oh hush Paul," Emily chided, before turning to Noah. She wiped the glare off her face. "Noah, I'm happy to do it and besides my hot chocolate has healing properties. Now, why on earth are you wearing so little clothes? It's almost winter, you must be freezing." Emily admonished, her mothering nature taking full effect.

"Oh, uh, I didn't really think about it when we left the house. I was kinda dealing with a shoe situation. I'm okay though, honestly. I'm not really cold," Noah insisted, hating how much of an imposition she felt like.

"Oh nonsense! You have goosebumps on your arms. Paul, come over here and keep her warm while I go find a sweatshirt." Emily directed, already bustling out of the room to do so.

"Yes ma'am," Paul answered, striding in long steps towards her.

Noah's cheeks warmed darkly, but she didn't have it in her to argue. She lowered herself gingerly into the middle of the couch and sunk back into the comfortable cushions with a grunt. Paul sat down a second later and hesitantly laid an arm around Noah's shoulders. She sighed at his warmth, leaning closer and letting her eyes flutter closed for a moment.

"What am I gonna do with you," Paul muttered, brushing a loose curl from her face. Noah wasn't sure if she was meant to answer. She did anyway.

"Well..." Noah drawled, keeping her eyes gently shut. "I wouldn't say no to some vicodin." Paul chuckled and blew air into her face. Noah's nose wrinkled from the tickle but she finally peered up at him.

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