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Both Haebara and Taehoon stared at the dumb people arguing with each other, they looked at each other and sighed shaking their head.

"You, over grown orangutan you have no other option just listen to me".Nerezza said glaring at Taehyung.

"No you listen to me you half eaten sandwich, I'm the eldest here and you have to follow what I say".
Taehyung said rolling his eyes.

As the pair continued arguing, the couple were flabbergasted hearing the insults both were saying to each other and then they looked at each other and thought about how this argument had started.


All four them again met at the same spot near the balcony. Haebara with her cheeks flushed and nose red, while Taehoon had dried tears on his cheeks.

They all stood in silence for a while, as the couple was still not ready to speak. Nerezza quickly gave them an idea, telling them it would be better if they go to a private place and away from prying ears. Taehyung too agreed to it knowing it was best. Nerezza decided that they all would go to her place, while Taehyung refused asking all to come to his place instead, which led to them argue like kids.

Before they could stop NEREZZA Or TAEHYUNG they heard a bunch of snickering noise, being alert Haebara ignored the still arguing pair and went ahead, to her surprise it was just Hyuntae and Jung wang. Both of them were trying to control their laughter while tightly shutting their mouth with their hand

Both of the men had enjoyed all the drama going on from the start, when Nerezza told them about everything that happened over call, they couldn't help but get worried, they came searching for them to comfort Haebara, but what they got was just entertainment.

Nerezza was someone who would never loose her cool immediately, so Kim would have done something to make her say such profanities. The half bitten sandwich one was definitely going in their Insult-words-to-use-against-maam dictionary. In other words they were happy looking at her click close to someone this fast or else she would always act like a snoopy cat around strangers.

Both of the men walked ahead pulling Nerezza before she pinches Taehyung with her claw like nails, she hissed at them for pulling her away. Yep she definitely is a wild animal. They thought , they didn't let the two argue further and spoke

"Mafia gods guys, y'all are supposed to behave like mafia gods not some kindergarten kids".HYUNTAE said shaking his head in denial. .

"But Hyuntae, he was the one who started the argument first ". Nerezza said pointing her fingers towards Taehyung.

All of them looked towards Taehyung, who stumbled a bit back at them judging him" I'm telling you don't trust this woman, she was the who started it. Believe me i was the victim" He said trying to act all saint.

"YOU DUMBASS PEOPLE IT'S ENOUGH, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND ACT LIKE MAFIAS NOT TODDLERS". There was a pindrop silence after Haebara's outburst who now was being calmed down by Taehoon.

Taehyung and Nerezza looked at each other, now feeling a bit shame on how they acted and argued over . Haebara said she would talk it out here itself without any further delay, she sent the two men to guard them as she spoke of their tragic love story.

End ~~

Haha just kidding
Since Haebara was three years older than Nerezza, they both studied in different class. They both were the besties who would never hide anything to each other, since both of them never really had much interest in men, they had no lovers.
That was what Nerezza thought.
Haebara had been deeply in love with Taehoon. He did not study with them. She used to see him in the Blossoms park near their college every day.
Just a random day she was passing by, she looked at the etheral entity in front her, she refused to believe he was a human. No person could look that beautiful. Taehoon would do nothing, just come sit at the bench , watch the sunset and leave.
Everyday she would come to see him at the same spot, sometimes she would question herself that why was she doing this? Why this sudden attraction?she called it infatuation.
Day by day she started understanding his emotions, even though not speaking to him verbally, she could understand looking at his face. His face even though stone cold, his eyes held emotions deeper than the ocean.
The fact not known to her then was that, Taehoon was very well aware of his surroundings. He knew that girl would stalk him everyday, at first he was kind of vary but later calmed down knowing she was posing no threat.
Haebara was more confused with her feelings, she wanted to talk to him, hear him, listen to him laugh and heal him.
Taehoon too felt weird seeing this sudden attraction towards the girl, he used to look at her going to college, talking and having fun. She seemed like a very generous person. Her smile, was that of a Cheshire Cat which attracted him the most.
Both of them still unaware of each others feelings were looking at each other secretly.
Having endured enough Taehoon decided to finally talk it out with Haebara. He wanted to clear his feelings and finally put an end to his eagerness on wanting her.
He just like all normal days, went to the park and sat on the same bench, today was different instead of enjoying the scenario, he looked everywhere searching for the girl with a stupid smile on his face.
He waited for the whole evening yet she never showed up, this continued on for days and days turned to months while months became years.
He never stopped going to the spot until he heard about her again. Her being in the mafia with PARK NEREZZA. That day he sobbed to himself for the first time, he did not understand how such simple infatuation made him so vulnerable as he was crying he felt a pat on his shoulder. Front of him stood the same girl, who made him believe in life, who gave a meaning for him to live, who made him know what love was, who gave him a reason to smile. She looked at him with tears staining her cheeks.
Pulling him in a tight hug as he too responded to the tight embrace,she didn't let go of him even though it was quite a while now and both of them had calmed down. Both of them high on emotions, not even knowing each other's name yet they felt such a strong connection. From then on they started seeing each other, knowing that both of them were from mafia, they had to be secretive with this fact. They didn't wanted the mafia gods to know since they didn't understand what their reactions might be. They were called each other's rivals, both of them being in top position, how would they even allow their relationship. This was stupid yet they were scared.
Giving secret glances to each other's during mafia meetings, late night walks, watching the stars together. They both loved each other truly, and the reason why they cried was actually stupid. Taehoon had asked her about the email and when Haebara refused to tell him anything he had got angry and scolded the girl. He too was stressed and didn't mean to but the words were already out. They had not spoken for days and when they finally met today, Taehoon couldn't help but get angry on himself, he had scolded his woman over such petty things. When they both met, he started asking forgiveness from her and started cursing at himself, which led her to cry she now realized how insecure this man was, putting on a picture of confidence to the others yet he was vulnerable. Which led them both to cry.

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