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Next morning, Nerezza seemed to be in a rush, she desperately wanted to know about the mole in her office. Even though she forced Taehyung to tell her, he did not , asking her to come to his company instead. Thus which resulted her not to sleep the whole night in excitement and nervousness.

She could understand why she was excited because she wanted to know about the mole and torture him, but nervousness was a new feeling to her. She was nervous to meet him, being alone with him. This new feeling she couldn't understand what it was. Pausing her thoughts she decided to get ready,

Her outfit:-

She took a black mask with her

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She took a black mask with her.
Walking down the stairs , she came to a abrupt stop seeing the scenario going down in the Hall.

"NOOO WAY PUT IT BACK I SAID PUT. IT. BACK. "came a loud voice which startled Nerezza.

"No I won't put it back, I saw it first so I get it." Came a calm reply.

"WHAT THE HELL SEUNO?? THAT WAS MY LAST CHOCOLATE." Again the loud voice shrilled.

"Come on you know your boyfriend is the owner of WINGS COMPANY he can buy you more such choco"-. Seuno's words were cut as a pillow flew across the sofa and landed perfectly on his face.

"Give it back you chocolate eating freak."
Haebara ran towards seuno like a mad woman, trying to get her chocolate back. Nerezza looked at the kitchen and saw her other three men poking their head out and seeing the drama. They were placing bet on who would get the chocolate whether Haebara Or seuno.

Seuno in order to save the chocolate threw it above which somehow landed near Nerezza's feet. Running towards the chocolate and picking it up, she squinted her eyes looking at the familiar pack of chocolate. She let out a gasp and looked at the pair.

"This is neither yours or her chocolate. This is mine. I dare you guys to touch it again."Nerezza said her voice stern.

The pair tried to question her with a pout on their lips but were stopped when they heard another scream

"Ohh mahhh goddddddddd".

"Now what is it??". Nerezza said her energy completely

"Nerezza look at it"said Hyuntae showing her something on his phone.

Nerezza frowned a bit seeing the phone. All the others were a bit worried seeing her not react and quickly went towards Hyuntae. All surrounding him like a flock of sheeps peeping over the phone

As soon as they saw, their eyes popped out their socket. It was Nerezza's picture. It was her picture without any mask, quickly regaining her senses, Haebara went towards Nerezza and kept a hand on her shoulder trying to reassure her.

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