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The night seemed way too calm for anyone's liking. It seemed too suspicious.
This was a common sight in Mafia's business. People trying to get you down.
Power, power and power, the only thing that others thrive for but cannot reach

Because more than the desire for power, they feared.
They feared going against the mafia Gods. The one and only KIM TAEHYUNG and PARK NEREZZA.

Back to the story; It was past the midnight as the group of men clad in black suits, roamed around the place skillfully. As if they knew the place and remembered the directions from their heart. There was complete darkness and no one could even make out a person moving. All of them being highly alert on their senses.

Just then they saw their boss had given them the signal to remind them the mission has now started


This part of mafia job really bores me to hell. Let me explain, a very close companion of mine in the mafia business, supposedly was kidnapped by our enemies. And he hypothetically got a phone and decided to message me to come save him. Which I hypothetically believed and came till here to save him.
Sounds lame right?? Because it is. Even a child could guess that this was all just a trap to lure me in.
Did he really think I came on top of the mafia business just like that??. Anyway let's see what happens.

End of pov.

As the night advanced more and he stood still at his spot waiting for the attack
Nothing happened. Which raised more suspicion among all the people.
No fights, no gun shots, no screaming,
just complete silence. Ironically this might be the silence before the storm because right at that moment, sounds of cars screeching tires could be heard.
Men came running down the cars standing in a straight line with their postures straight, and a M16 A2 in there hands.
Behind all of them, his said to be companion choi wooshik made a dramatic appearance with his face and body all fine, no signs of being kidnapped.

Wooshik was not a idiot, he had been working with Kim for quite few years so he knew that he wouldn't fall for such useless traps, but what made him a bit scared was that TAEHYUNG came, even though he was aware of the danger. Wooshik looked around trying to search for the guards
Nobody was on sight.
Wooshik for an instance, believed he was able to fool the mafia. Until;

"HAHAHAHAHA!" TAEHYUNG laughed. He really couldn't believe that Wooshik thought he could kill and destroy him. This mere thought seemed too funny. Quickly putting on his poker face, he raised his hands in the air showing a peace symbol.

It was quite for a while, until the bullets started firing from different places. Wooshik's guards couldn't even guess from where they were shooting. One by one, piles of bodies with the pool of blood surrounded the entire alleyway. Wooshik could not believe what just happened, his most powerful men were killed and he was also about to die due to his foolish actions.

"Wooshik mah boy, you out of all the people know me the best, yet you did such stupidity." Said TAEHYUNG.

Wooshik knew his death was near and at that moment he did the most sensible thing. Dropping to the ground, he took the gun which was lying near by, loading it.... He shot himself to death.
TAEHYUNG was known for killing the people in the most brutal way, he wouldn't stop until the person begs to him to kill them.
He would torture them in the most brutal way. Such kind of a monster was KIM TAEHYUNG.


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