Entry 3

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Entry 3

It's midnight right now and I have a shitload of stuff to say. I'm Sitting on the bed right now while Derrick is sleeping soundly beside me.

So today lots and lots of eerie stuff happened. First many things in the house stared disappearing and re-appearing in new places. Then my cupcakes started multiplying and a chick hatched out of my BOILED egg! The picture of a green fish in the hallway turned into a picture of a red fish. And then When I was in the toilet I heard Derrick screaming at the top of his lungs and when I rushed out of the bathroom to see what happened I found him lying unconscious on the floor.there were no scars or blood that would suggest that a weapon had been used. He was mumbling something about a shadow.

When he regained consciousness I asked him what happened. He said that he saw a shadow of a girl and he felt a sudden pain as if he had been stabbed in the stomach which caused him to scream and then he went unconscious. Some hours later the same thing happened to me.

Today I'm really happy coz I finally learnt to make sponge cake properly. I did some gardening today and Derrick helped me with my homework and taught me mixed fractions which I struggled to understand. Finally I understood fractions to some extent. I can't manage to keep my eyes open anymore so I need to hit the sack now and..see you tomorrow.

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