Episode 3: Y/n Burnedead and Junketsu.

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts with a flashback as we can see a white uniform. As then we can see a kid Satsuki with a man next to her.

Satsuki: I was simply entranced by that outfit's beauty.

As then we can see the man placing his hand on her head as she turns to him.

Satsuki: My father said to me:

"This will be your wedding dress."

Satsuki: I could hardly wait. When I grew up, I would be able to wear that outfit. I merely yearned for it. At the time, I had no idea what "wedding dress" implied.

Just then the outfit's eyes open.

Satsuki: The name of that outfit was Junketsu --- "purity." I was still an ignorant little girl back then.

With that camera switches back to present as Satsuki is looking out of window from her room on top of tower.

Satsuki: It's unthinkable that someone beat me to the punch.

Episode 3: Y/n Burnedead and Junketsu.

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter)

The scene now switches now to classroom as Aikuro is teaching about Hitler again while behind Ryuko is glaring at him making him sweating while y/n is eating cream puff. As then camera switches to the hallway as Ryuko and y/n are following Aikura as lost him for arround the corner he dissapears.

Ryuko: Wha----? Where'd he dissapear to?

Just then Mako flyes at them as Ryuko catches her.

Mako: Ryuko! Y/n!

Mako: Where are you wandering off to by yourselves?

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Mako: Where are you wandering off to by yourselves?

Just then ryuko spots a paper on mako's back.

Ryuko: This is---

Y/n: "See me after school where we met before. ---- Aikuro Mikisugi".

Ryuko: That bastard!

She says as camera now switches to Aikuro room as y/n and ryuko are sitting on sofa.

Aikuro: it's a big problem, you looking at me with such passion in your eyes at school. It'd be bad for both of us if word spread that you and I were too close, right?

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