Episode 11: Y/n Burnedead and dread in the air.

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts in the slums as there's music playing while the people are watching the fight from the moment as Nonon destroyed arena while it switches to show a girl wearing a pink dress and having pink umbrella walking through the slums. as camera switches back to tv as the explosion covers ryuko and y/n. As it switches back to girl walking through the stairs as it switches back to tv as Ryuko flies out.

Ryuko: How about this?! Senketsu Shippu!

As she says that in tv camera switches to girl as she's walking through more stairs as it switches back to tv.

Nonon: The kid gloves are off, you stinking bitch!

She says as in slums are cheering as the girl in pink dress is walking behind the crowd as she looks at tv.

Barazo: Attgirl, Ryuko!

Mataro: Get her, Ryuko!

Girl: Gosh, everyone seems to be having so much fun!

She says as then crowd stops cheering as they see y/n.

She says as then crowd stops cheering as they see y/n

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Crowd: He's sure is kicking his legs a lot.

Girl: huh?


(A/n opening music here or opening chapter)

(A/n play the William Tell back)

The scene now switches back to fight as Nonon is chasing y/n and Ryuko.

Nonon: Listen close, Heaven and Hell! My performance can't be stopped just because they can fly now! Besides how are you flying Burnedead it shouldn't be possible to fly that way.

She says as she's shooting heart beams at them as they're dodging them.

Ryuko: "Performance", my ass! All you're doing is taking potshots with missiles!

Senketsu: Ryuko, our only option is to get close and attack. We have the edge in maneuverability.

He says as Ryuko and y/n hide in the clouds.

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