side story: Y/n's Cream puffs

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Few hours after tennis battle in the elite four room inumuta is looking at the recording of the y/n that Satsuki ordered him to make to gather information about him and while he is looking at this morning view he suddently falls down from chair.

Few hours after tennis battle in the elite four room inumuta is looking at the recording of the y/n that Satsuki ordered him to make to gather information about him and while he is looking at this morning view he suddently falls down from chair

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As that alarms the rest of elite four and Satsuki.

Sanageyama: What happened?

Inumuta: How... But... Something like that physically shouldn't be possible.

Satsuki: What did you saw?

Inumuta: I was following orders about spying at y/n Burnedead and i just saw something that defies the laws of physics.

Nonon: Huh? What do you mean?

Inumuta: Let me show you.

He says as he shows them something as elite four jaws fall to the ground.

He says as he shows them something as elite four jaws fall to the ground

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Sanageyama: What the hell?! How isn't that like 500 kg.

Inumuta: I think it's more but i can't measure it.

Satsuki: Umm, i think we need more information about him. Keep looking.

Inumuta: Roger.

Satsuki: You're more intresting than i thought. But... What the hell?!

Just then as inumuta was looking at fotage he finds something.

Inumuta: I find a clue.

He say playing a video as y/n ends training and eats a cream puff.

Y/n: Nothing like a cream puff after pumping iron.

Satsuki: Intresting. Inumuta do you think that his cream puff might be the reason for his strength?

Inumuta: It might be possible but i need one to test it.

Satsuki: I see.

She says as camera switches to next day. As elite four is making a plan to get one of y/n's cream puff meanwhile in the hallway y/n is walking with Ryuko, Mako and Omiko next to him.

Ryuko: It's pretty peaceful today.

Y/n: Yeah. Hey Omiko where can i find kitchen?

Omiko: Oh, it's in cafeteria but you need to get permision from Lady Satsuki.

Y/n: I see. I'll be back later.

He say leaving them as he is now in front of Satsuki office as he is think if he should pull or push. As inside they are still discussing strategy they heard a sound from the door as they turn and see y/n carring the door.

 As inside they are still discussing strategy they heard a sound from the door as they turn and see y/n carring the door

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Y/n: Um. I'm sorry i didn't know if i should push or pull so i just forced it.

Ira: I-I see. How can you not know that?!

Satsuki: So what is the reason you're here?

Y/n: I wanted to ask for permision to use kitchen.

Sanageyama: And why you want that?

Y/n: I wanted use it to make cream puffs.

He says getting attention of elite four as Satsuki gets idea.

Satsuki: We will allow you if you give us some.

Y/n: 'kay.

He says as scene now switches to school kitchen as y/n is wearing apron and Inumuta is there too to analize the way he makes them as y/n grabs the knive and starts making them.

(A/n ignore what is there said i couldn't find better gif for that)

(A/n ignore what is there said i couldn't find better gif for that)

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After he makes it Inumuta is schocked again because.


he thinks as y/n places down the plate with cream puffs.

Y/n: Here are cream puffs for student council.

He says eating one while Inmuta takes them.

Inumuta: T-thanks.

He says leaving as camera then switches to room as he finishes analizing them.

Satsuki: Did you find something?

Inumuta: Nothing. They're just normal cream puffs.

He says as Nonon takes one and eats.

Nonon: Mmmm. They're really good.

She says as the rest tries them too.

Ira: That's true. They're good.

He says as Satsuki tries one.

Satsuki: It's delicious.

With that camera switches to y/n as he is eating his cream puffs.

With that camera switches to y/n as he is eating his cream puffs

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And with that camera turns black.

(A/n this is original chapter i had in mind after rewatching kitchen scene from mashle on yt. So i thought about this chapter i hope you enjoy it and yes this chapter is cannon to my story it's not a filler.)

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