Episode 7: Y/n Burnedead and Fight club.

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts at Mankanshoku household as they're eating dinner.

Mankanshoku household: Let's eat!

They say as they start eating.

Mako: Yum!

Mataro: Your croquettes are as awsome as ever, Mom!

Omiko: They're really good.

Barazo: Yeah! When it comes to deep-frying mystery ingredients, you're the best in Japan, dear!

Sukuyo: The trick is to chop everything finely and mix them in with potatoes.

Ryuko: Your croquettes really are great, ma'am!

Sukuyo: I'm glad you think so. Please, eat all you like.

Ryuko: Oh, I'm already full. Thanks for the meal.

Sukuyo: If you're done eating, Ryuko, the bath is drawn and ready.

Ryuko: Oh. Sure.

Mataro/Barazo: The bath?!

As with that camera switches as Ryuko is about to take bath as she laughs a little.

Senketsu: What is it? What is so funny?

Ryuko: Lively dinners arena great thing.

Senketsu: Hm?

Ryuko: Mom died when I was young, and Dad sent me off to a boarding school. So I don't have any experience with family dinners. I always though that was pretty ordinary. Now I think meals taste better when eating with whole family...

Just then a sound of beating was heard outside as Ryuko looks and sees y/n dragging beat up Mataro, Barazo and Guts.

Y/n: Don't worry about them. Enjoy your bath.

He says leaving with them.

Ryuko: And how i couldn't forget about my great boyfriend.


The scene now switches to school as Y/n with the rest are sitting on giant chain as Ryuko opens her lunch box.

Ryuko: That looks good!

Mako/Ryuko/Omiko/Y/n/Maiko: Let's eat!

They say as they start eating but ryuko meal is distsurbed by a knive in her food that someone hit. As then another flyes at y/n cream puff but he grabs it.

Knife guy: Ryuko Matoi and y/n Burnedead! Jack Naito, president of----

He doesn't finish as y/n in speed of light punches him.

Y/n: That's for ruining our meal.

Just then another attack comes at him as he dodges it.

Guy: Impressive! The one who will defeat you is me, Nanjing club president kagesaburo kagero!

Ryuko: Let me take care of this y/n.

She says as she is already in front of kagesaburo transformed.

Kagesaburo: Huh?

Ryuko: Sen-I-Soshitsu.

Just then above them a literal clown appears.

Clown: I am president of the Tightrope Walking Club!

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