stare down

856 19 1

"poor kid." miranda sighs as the green hair kid midirioya struggled to fine a team. you wheren't really paying attention to her or the festival currently you where having a playfull stare down with aizawa from across the stadium.

you wheren't exactly sure why you where doing this but you surly wheren't going to win. "y/n why are you ignoring me?" miranda whines tugging on your arm. "sorry miranda im busy." you never breaking eye contat with the tired man.

"busy doing what?" she tugs on your arm more. "having a stare down with aizawa." you respond clamly and lilly looks at you then the man in the narrarator stand on the other side of the stadium. "how do you know he's looking at you?" she looks btween the two of you counfused.

"i just know." you smile as see him almost break eye contact. "well are you winning at least?" she lets go of your arm and leans back in her chair. "hell yeah i am he almost broke eye contact." you smirk confidently.

you see you friend flash a cheeky smile the a look of concern from the side of your eye. "omg is that a hurt cat?" she says dramatically and your head whips in the direction. "where!?" you completey forget about your stare down till you here your best friend. 

"i can't believe that acctualy" she laughs more almost falling out of her seat. "i'm going to frigen murder!!" you yell smaking the back of her head. "owww that hurt." you know she's being overdramtic but it still makes you feel bad.

"im sorry are you okay?" you look at her with concern. "no but i know a way you can make it up to me." she gives you a cheeky grin. "no." you imdeaitly respond. "aww come on i'll make it worth your while." you sttare her down. "last time you said that i ended up pungy jumping off the grand canyon. which for one we did illeagly for two we went all the way to america to do that!." 

"i promise you'll like it." you sigh giving in. she notices this and smiles brightly. "okay give me your phone." you look at her like she's crazy. "um no." she takes your phone out of your pocket and unlock it. "stop being such a baby." 

after a few minuets she hands your phone back to see she put somones number into your phone. "miranda what is this?." you look at her qeustingly and she just smiles.  "just text them." she looks at the phone to see what you text.

Me: who's number is this? 

miranda rolls her eye's "boooring." "well i'm sorry that im not about to cat call some random person." your attetion is brought back to the screen as your phone buzzes

unknown number: say's the one that texted me

Me: sorry my friend gave me this number. 

after a minute of no response you look up and look at the narrator stands to see aizawa on his phone. 'wonder what he's doing? maybe he's texting somone? i hope it's not a girl. wait why the fuck do care?'  you shoke it off as your phone buzzed again. 

Unknown number:is this a prank?

Me: i wish it was.

Unkown number: well my name is aizawa 

'AIZAWA!?!'  you look over to see miranda laughing at your expersion . "how did you even get his number!?" after she calms down she looks at you. "hizashi gave it to me." you look at her in shock.

 "i have an idea." miranda says mischviously "your idea's genuanlly get me into to trouble. "hear me out. i think you should tease him." you stare at your friend in shock. 'tease him? it's been a while since i'v teased somone other then miranda.' "you'r considering it." you look up and sigh. "fine just this once."

'gosh it's been a while since i'v flirted.' you text the first thing that comes to your head.

Me: that's a pretty sexy name.

miranda looks at your text then back at you in shock. "what?" she just smiles. "i just didn't think you had it in you.' you roll your eyes as you look at your phone. 

Unkown number: your playing a dangerous game y/n.

you stare at the text in shock. and you wgeren't sure that it was from the fact he flirted back or how he knew you where the one texting him. 

Me: how did you know? 

unkown number: you whern't exactly hiding it very well. 

me: also did you just flirt with me?

there's a slight pause before he responds. 

unknown number: to be fair you started it 

Me: maybe but still i didn't expect you to flirt. 

unkown number: i could say the same about you.

Me: oh nah im just more confident over text. 

Unkown number: noted 

you take a few minuets to change his number name to 'grumpy boi'

grumpy boi: well the calvery battle is about to start so pay attetion 

Me: m'kay bye grumpy boi

grumpy boi: what's with the nickname?

me: i just think it's cute aand fitting. 

grumpy boi: at least spell boy right.

Me: nope !) 

Grumpy boi: fine then i get to give a nickname. 

Me: okay what is it?

grumpy boi: that's a suprise 

Me: but i hate suprises 

grumpy boi: that's to bad 

you roll your eye's and put your phone away to see miranda watching the clavery battle clearly more intrested then you'd ever be. all you could really tell is broclie kid was going to get targeted and probaly lose.

you yawned as you bring your phone back out and start playing a drawing app. you let your mind wander as you draw not really paying attetion to what you've drawn. 

about thirty minutes later you finally snap back to reality ansd look at what you'v drawn. from what you can tell it's a shittless guy with shaggy shoulder length hair. 'what in the wrold i haven't drawn a picture like this sense i was a teenager. wait why does it look like Aizawa? nope im just imagining things.'

you take a deep breath and start drawing as you fazeing out agian deciding to let your mind finish it's drawing. you feel somone poke your shoulder cathing your attention. " you even realize what your drawing?" 

you look down at the picture to see it's a picture aizawa shirtless. "oh shit why'd i trust myself?" you mumble whlie hiding your face blushing. "well thats embrassing." miranda laughs slighty. 

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