moving on (spoiler aleart, abuse, )

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__aizawa's pov___

i lay on my bed and prosecess. " me and y/n are dating now?" i blink a few times. "i guess." i answer my own qeustion. "i haven't dated since oboro." i sigh and shove my face into a pillow. "i don't even know i've i've ever fully moved on."  

i grab my phone and text hizashi. 

Me: me and y/n are dating. 



meagaphone boy: good on you sho!!!

Whiplash: i wan't all the deatails!

"fuck i frogot nemuri was on this chat shit." i sigh and look back at the phone. 

Me: nemuri don't even think about it cuz we didn't

whiplash: okay okay 

Meagaphone boy: but serously are you guy's dating?

Me: yeah but she said nothing seroius

Whiplash: you slay.

Me: yeah whatever i wasn't even trying to tell you. 

Whiplash: :( 

Meghaphone: aww come on you now your happy she know's

Me: yeah maybe.

Whiplash: he admited it!

Me: bye.

i sigh as i set my phone. "guess i'm dating's what oboro would have wanted." i sigh and lay my head back closing my eye's. "i miss you." i mumble as i fall asleep. 

__y/n's pov__

i walk to my room looking back to miranda who's passed out on the couch. i walk in my room and close the door. i lay on my bed and fall asleep.

'i wake up chianed to a cold metal chair. "no no no not again! somone help!!" i scream desprate for help. i hear a heavy door open and close. "it's just a dream he can't hurt you he can't hurt you."  i hear footsetps walking down a set of stairs towards you. "please wake up wake up wake up." your whole body is shaking you know it's just a dream or a memory but it's so life like. "why are you sacared darling?" he reaches out ot touch you and you flinch away. "aww sweatheart i only hurt you cus you where being a bitch," tears stream down your face and he sighs before slaping you.' 

you awaken by miranda yelling your name and shaking you. you wake up sitting staright up in a cold sweat with tears running down your cheeks. miranda hug's you as you mumble god know's what. 

"it's okay your safe." miranda rubs your back.  you look at your hands that are shaking. "mi..miranda." you mumble and she look's up at you. "yes?" "i'm hungry." she nod's and stands up. 

"do you want to eat here or eat out?" she tosses you a hoodie. you catch the hoodie and slip it on. "i wanna eat out." you mumble and she nod's. 

you guy's head out and stick close to mirnada you guy'sgo to the same cafe you guys went to with aizawa and hizashi that one time. you order your drinks and look at miranda. "can i?" she nod's and you turn into your cat form. 

you curl up on the chair and get comfy. you here the bell to the shop ring and see aizawa hizashi and another hero you reconigize as midnight enter. you watch them and stand up unable to control your cat insticts.

you run up to aizawa and rub agaisnt his leg. he look's down at you counfused for a second till he see's miranda. "y/n you can't just run off like that esspeacily after this morning." she scolds and then notices aizawa. 

"oh hey hizashi hey aizawa!" she cheers and aizawa picks you up. "and who is this?" midnight geusters towards mirnada.

__aizawa's pov__

"omg is this your girlfreind!?!" nemuri cheers and i roll my eye's as i roll my eye's. "no that's miranda. she's my girlfreind." i show her the cat in my arm's and she laughs. "listen i know you like cat's but you can't date one." miranda and hizashi laugh while y/n hisses. 

"she's a human with a cat quirk." numeri laughs. "okay well that makes sense." she pet's y/n which she galdly accepts. 'she really let's anyone pet her huh?'  i shrug. "you three can join us if you want." miranda suggests and we follow her back to her and y/n's table.

i sit down with y/n in my lap. 'this isn't wierd right? i mean where technacily dating soo.'  


sorry this is shorter then normal just don't really know what to write anyway hope yall enjoyed. 

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