memories and paranoia

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__y/n's pov__

After meeting aizawa's students and aizawa almost triggering your PTSD you lay in your bed at home.

You stare at the roof. "I really hope I won't dream of him tonight...." You mutter to yourself as you turn over.

After about an hour of trying to get comfortable you give up and walk down the stairs into the kitchen.

You see your music player and start playing your favorite songs playlist as you hum along to it.

You open your fridge not really looking for anything in particular just trying to find something to do.

You stretch as you hear a noise from behind you. You turn quickly to see nothing there. "Fuckin paranoia." You mutter.

You go grab f/sn (favorite snack) you sit at the table starting to eat it. You finish eating your snack and sigh.

You hear a noise from the living room and your heart skips a beat. "Miranda?" I you called out quietly.

'its okay it's not him it's not him.' you repeat in your mind as you slowly walk. Towards the the living room.

You turn on the lights cautiously and look around. "See y/n there's no one here your safe and even if it was him Miranda is just up stairs." You tell your self.

"I hate paranoia." You sigh as you walk up the stairs to your room. You walk back to your bedroom and plop down on your bed.

"Fuckin bitch ruined my life." You mumble as you sigh. "Nothing I can about it know... maybe I should go see my therapist."

'you sit in your old bathroom bandaging your leg. 'he really didn't hold back at all this time huh?.. guess I deserved it anyway.'

you stand up and pain shoots through your pain and you fall back. "Hey bitch where the fuck are you!?!" You hear your boyfriend call. 'shit he's still mad." You start to panic.

"You better not be hiding." You take a deep breath as you open the bathroom door. You boyfriend looks at you and his eyes soften. "I was looking for you." He hugs you and your body tenses.

"Let me see your ears and tail." He whispers in your ear. "I'd rather not." You mumble Into his chest. He growls and slams you into the wall.

"When I tell you to do something you fuckin do it!" Your boyfriend yells at you. "You can't control me anymore!!" You yell back and he slaps you.

"I'm doing this for your own good don't you remember? You can't survive without me." He whispers in your ear.

"I.. I'm sorry." You mutter and he smirks. "Now show me your ears." You let your ears appear and he let's go of you.

"Good girl...and if you ever disobey me again I'll make sure you get the punishment you deserve." You nod.

"Now come where going out to eat." He smiles at you sweetly. You follow after him smiling.

You wake up sitting straight up breathing heavily and sweating. Tears flows down your face and you start shaking.

You curl up into a ball and crying loudly. You see your door open to see Miranda in a rope. "Omg y/n what happened?"

She walks over to hug you and you flinch harshly. She sighs sadly catching on to what happened. "Hey it's okay he can't get to you." She says softly.

"What if he finds me what...what if." "Y/n" Miranda interrupts and you look at her through watery eyes.

"Your safe I'd never let anything to you. You know that right?" You sigh and nod. "Good now do you want hug?" You nod.

She hugs you and you bury your face in her chest. "Your fine I promise." She rubs your back. "Do you wanna schedule a appointment with your therapist?" You nod.

"He can't hurt you he can never hurt you ever again." You both sit there for another thirty minutes before pulling away. "I don't wanna go back to sleep."

She sighs. "it's three in the morning...well we could watch some movies." You nod and you both walk down stairs.

You both sit on the couch in your living room. "What do you want to watch?" You pause thinking.

"I wanna watch. F/ks. (Fav kids show.) She sighs and shakes her head laughing slightly. "Your a mess."

"I know." You laugh quietly as she plays the show. You sit there a while. You look over at Miranda who's fast asleep. "G-night." You whisper.

You look at your phone and click on aizawa's contact.

Me: sorry to bother you but are you awake?

Not even seconds later you get a response.

Grumpy boi: yeah what's up?

Me: i can't sleep I had a nightmare.

Grumpy boi: do you wanna talk about it?

Me: no I just want some to talk to.

Grumpy boi: okay what do you want to talk about?

You think for a minute.

Me: do you have any pets?

Grumpy boi: yes I have a cat.

Your eyes light up.

Me: I wanna meet them!!

Grumpy boi: i don't see why not.

You smile.

Me: thx grumpy boi and g-night.

Grumpy boi: g-night, kitten.

You blush slightly and put your phone down before falling asleep. You didn't have any dreams but it's better then a nightmare or a memory. 

__time skip__

you wake up to the smell of pancakes. (sorry if you don't like them.) you open your eyes to hear people talking. 

you get up and head to the kitchen to see aizawa miranda and hizashi talking why miranda makes pancakes. "why is eveyone here?" you look at all three of them. "there here for support." miranda smiles. "you didn't tell them did you?" you look at miranda worried and slighty angry.

"tell us what?" hizashi asks before aizawa elbows him. "no i didn't tell them. i just told them you had a panic attack." you sigh. "thank goodness." you mutter. "are you okay?" aizawa asks petting your head and you flinch harshly and he retracts his hand. 

"s..sorry." you mumble. "no it's my fault don't aplogize." he smiles gently. "yeah no touchy touchy right now." miranda says pointing a spathcula at aizawa. 

after the pancakes you all sit down and eat. you watch as the tree of them talk. you smile as you watch them. 'so this it what it's like to have friends..gosh i missed this.'  you take a bite of the pancakes and smile these are amazing.

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