quirk info

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so i guess now would be a good time to say what your quirk is since i didn't before cuz frankly i didn't know what it should be. 

your quirk is called cat. i know it's kind of perdictable but don't hate me anyway

Quirk: cat

info: you have the agiltay and senses of a cat. you have it'scat like insticts but you can control them most of the time but it becomes increasingly harder to control during spring. so you do things like napping in sunny earas due to your quirk. 

traits: cat ears/tail to that can appear and disappear

abilities: can turn into a full cat for two hours at a time then has to wait 24 hours to repeat this action. 

draw backs: sometimes your cat instincts kick in and you pounce on moving things. you also can't talk in cat form and once you turn into a cat your stuck in cat form for the full two hours.

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