Chapter Two

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"I hope you like surprises, because I'm not going to tell you what we're doing" he said in a dark voice grinning at her. She turned crimson red and looked out the window. How does he do this to me she thought to herself.
As they approached a parking lot, she wondered where they were. She had never been to this part of town before. Rain parked the car and looked over at her with a smile. He let out a sigh and asked "you ready?" Rose replied with a smile and unbuckled her seatbelt. Rain got out of the car and walked around to open her door. He grabbed her hand with his and instantly she felt the sparks. She gasped and looked him in the eye reddening, he smiled. Then he stepped toward her, slowly pressing her against the car. Her heart skipped a beat and she started breathing heavily. He leaned his head down next to her ear, then he whispered "I've wanted you for a long time babygirl, now you're mine." Then he placed his hand on the side of her thigh, slowly moving it up, digging his fingers into her skin. She leaned her head back against the car and bit her lip. He placed his lips against her neck. She could feel his breath against her skin as she waited for him to kiss. Then he pulled away and smiled at her. She blushed as she tried to catch her breath.
They walked hand in hand down a trail in the woods, it was almost sunset. When they arrived to the spot the sun had began setting, it looked like a picnic overseeing the sunset. Rose's mouth hung open for a second "wow, this is beautiful" she said. It was a secluded spot, there was a blanket with two pillows to sit on, some roses in a vase, chocolate covered strawberries, small sandwiches, and some grapes. It was absolutely perfect. Rain chuckled "A beautiful setting for a beautiful girl" he winked.
Rose and Rain sat down on the blanket and looked at the view, then at each other. "Thank you" Rose said with a shy smile, "this is perfect". Rain grinned "you look perfect". Rose just laughed "do you always reply like that?" she asked. "Reply like what?" asked Rain with a confused look on his face. "All sexy and mysterious, don't get me wrong it's cute and all but if we're gonna have a real date then I'm gonna need some casual conversation" Rose laughed. Rain joined her "ok you're right, you just make me so nervous". "Me? Make you nervous?" Rose replied with sarcasm in her voice. "Yes you make me nervous. Is that so hard to believe?" he asked. She replied "yes it is, I mean look at you" she said gesturing toward him, "now look at me" gesturing towards herself. He just looked at her "I am" he said in a low sexy tone. Rose turned crimson.
As the date went on they just could not stop talking and laughing. They sat there for hours watching the sunset and eating everything that was provided with the picnic. "It's getting late, we should probably start heading back" said Rose.
Walking side by side back down the path, Rain stopped in his tracks and grabbed Rose by the arm pulling her to him. Slowly leaning her against a tree he whispered "I've been wanting to do this since I sat down at your lunch table". Roses heart started beating out of her chest and her palms got sweaty. Rain put his hands on her hips just above her butt and pulled her closer, leaning in. Then, slowly, he kissed her. Deepening the kiss he reached down and lifted one of her legs up to his hip rubbing her thigh up to her butt and squeezed gently. After a second he pulled away, but not to far, and he said in a low dark voice "this has been the most perfect date with the most beautiful girl". Rose grabbed his neck and started kissing him again, full of desperation.
They pulled away, both out of breath, "we should get going, don't wanna get lost in the woods" he said with a sly smile. Rose grinned and they walked hand in hand back to the car. Rain opened her door and she climbed in. As he drove her home he placed his hand on her thigh, they rode in a comfortable silence with nothing but the butterflies in her stomach filling the air.
As they were pulling into her driveway, Rain asked her nervously "will you find me in the gym in the morning at school?" Rose just looked at him shocked "you want me to come and find you in the morning?" she questioned. "Of course I do. We had the best date, I just wanna spend more time with you" he replied. "Okay, yeah I will, goodnight and thanks again, I had a great time" Rose said with a smile. He leaned in and kissed her one more time "my pleasure babygirl, goodnight" he said, and Rose got out of the car with sparks flying and went inside.
          When she walked inside, she closed the door, leaning her back against it. She couldn't believe the perfect date she had just had, and with Rain Garrison. What's gonna happen next she thought to herself as she walked to her bedroom biting her lip. She took off her makeup and got dressed for bed. Climbing into bed she heard a DING from her phone, she grabbed her phone and read the text "goodnight beautiful thank you for the most perfect date. See you in the morning :*" it was from Rain. Rose smiled and replied "I had the perfect time. See you tomorrow :*", and with that, she drifted off into a deep sleep to dream...

          Where am I? Why can't I see anything? Rose thought to herself as she reached out with her hands to try and feel something, anything. Finally, she felt a light switch, she flipped the light on and the room lit up. "Hmmm, looks like I'm in some sort of storage closet" she said out loud, even though there was nobody around but her. As she turned around, she saw a door. She walked towards it and placed her hand on the door handle, turning it slowly. As she walked through the door, she looked down to see her outfit changing all on its own. That's weird she thought, then she looked up, only to realize she was in the school gym, and it was full of people from school. She walked around for a few minute, confused about how she got there, then suddenly she saw Rain. Her heart filled with warmth and she smiled, walking over to him. As she got closer to him, she realized everyone was staring at her, she tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to face her. "It is so good to see you, this morning has been so weird, and now everyone is staring at me and I don't know why" she told him. He just looked at her confused "I'm sorry, do I know you?" He asked. Rose started taking steps backwards, his words started echoing off the walls and everything turned blurry. Suddenly, she tripped, falling to the ground. Everyone started laughing, including Rain, tears started falling down her cheeks. She held her head in her hands, rocking back and forth "no, no, no, no, this is not happening to me" she said. Then, all of a sudden, the echos of laughter started fading into darkness.

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