Part 2 // Phone call

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((Hiii. I know I've been away for so long. So I wrote a long chapter. I'm gonna try to be more consistent with uploading, so I'm gonna try to update around every weekend mostly Fridays. Btw u can listen to the playlist on Spotify I made for this book. The link is in the first page.))

Also pls interact with in this book, doesn't matter if u comment, vote or share. It just helps the book. Thx & enjoy reading.

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I hastily answered the phone: "Hello? Who is this?"

"You're Y/n, am I correct?" A different voice than I expected says. From his voice I can tell he's a male, a well-spoken one at that.

Oh god...what does he want? I regret picking it up already.

"Yes," I answered, "Why were you calling me?"

"My master asked for you, he told me you owed him a favour"

"How do I know I can trust you? Not to be rude but I can't just take people's word without any thought," my distrust basically dripping from my words. Silence grows on the other line, he's probably thinking for reasons.

After a while he finally answers: "I'm sending your line to my master to reassure you. It'll just gonna take a minute."

"Okay," I answer. I'm still walking alone in the empty streets, ultimately stumbling across an alley. While walking in it I gaze at the neon lights that give this dark place life.

On the other line are momentarily static noises before that familiar confident voice says: "Hello, Y/n Tsutsumi?"

"Yes, so what's the favour?"

The man chuckles softly; "Still quick to the case, hm?"

"Yes, and?"

"Don't be so stiff towards me, I helped you after all"

"Are you gonna dangle that above my head forever?"

The man pauses for a short time giving me the answer without knowing. "Anyways, what's the favour?", I ask.

"I want you to join my successor's band"

"Band? You mean in music?"

"No, a villain league, the league of villains"

I stop my steps, he can't possibly expect me to put everything aside for some group I never even met let alone that where the leader is just a grumpy gremlin. "Why?", I ask, "I mean I don't even know what they stand for".

"I gave you a chance to live, now help me out and I'll never bug you again," his irritation in his voice became noticeable.

"What about my life?"

"Your life?" He asked, "What do you mean your life?"

"I have a life, I have a routine. Why do you expect me to throw away my life for something I maybe don't even stand for?"

"My my, do u actually think I care about your wants? You're just gonna do as I say or otherwise... well you can probably imagine what happens"

I paused for a moment letting his words sink in. I know he's a powerful man with enough supporters to presumably take down a whole army if he wanted.

The thing is that I hate the man, the man that helped me. He's just a scumbag who exploits the vulnerable and makes them believe he's some type of god. When he's really not, he's just a narcissistic psychopath. I should've known his favour was just there to make me one those fools. But I was in need, he was the only one who could help me. I mean heroes would just look at my situation and arrest me the moment they discover my body count.

Healing Touch//Tomura Shigaraki x (fem)readerWhere stories live. Discover now