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His father had left him and his mother as soon as he was born.
She kept on saying that he looked exactly like her and whenTaehyung started to see that, with time, he started to hate that face and body that so much resembled the woman his father left behind; but more than that, what really messed his head was the day he finally met his father again.
He had gotten back into his life with another woman.
She was pretty, younger than his mum, but a lot dumber; she acted like those stupid girls on TV that try to please everybody by doing everything their men tell them to do.
That woman had been able to keep his father closer than he had ever been able to and, in the mind of a 10 year old boy, that translated into something worse: that if he would have ever wanted to keep anyone close and into his life forever, he would have had to be exactly like that woman. Especially with boys.

The time he had reached 13, Taehyung had already been with few people, mostly boys, and each time he had given himself up in every sort of way. He even had been assigned a "pet name": Tae.
He did everything he was told to do, from wearing pearls to dressing up a little more feminine, he let his hair grow long even though he liked them short; he smoked and drank at an incredibly early age and eventually he had sex and got high before he had reached 15 years old.
Every time he had someone liking him, it all was because of his look, and everytime he changed it based on their preferences. Every time he let them have what they actually wanted from him, they left; and every time he blamed it on his look. In his head that was the only reason they all approached and slowly he started to give it for granted.
Taehyung did not fight it anymore, nor did he hope to keep them close, he just prayed to be able to postpone that day away every time; but every person is different and some wanted him for sex, other for company and other just to have fun. Till he met Jimin.

Jimin had the same age and was the prettiest boy had ever seen in real life: he had those body's and face's features that are usually called "androgino". He had full lips, maybe the expect of his body that Taehyung appreciated the most, and a delicate feminine body; he used to wear whatever he wanted and sometimes it also happened that he wore skirts and earrings.
That freedom and nonchalance were the main reasons why Taehyung felt like he could trust him, trust that he wouldn't have left, trust that he could actually be completely himself around him and so, he did.
He did what he felt like doing once he got transferred to that new school. He did what his guts told him to do, that he was sure Jimin felt in the same way, and that one night he kissed him. He did it passionately and Jimin let him.
That wasn't the first time Taehyung received a cold reaction like that and the first thing that came up into his head was that he had done something wrong; that he had moved too quickly for Jimin's timing and so he tried to make up for it.
As soon as possible.
In any possible way.
And Jimin made him pay.

He got convinced that the "First Years Ceremony" was indeed necessary to participate, but that wasn't the case, cause no time before had ever been done such thing.
When Taehyung arrived there, he was alone and facing a boy he had never seen before.
A boy who understood that world better than him and got out of his misery doing exactly what he had been doing as well, his entire life: surviving.
Cause they all were fighting something and they all had a mask on carefully built throughout their lives. Taehyung could see that, exactly like he had been changing himself to please others and not remain alone; everybody else had been doing the same thing.
One used his physical strength, another his charming words and another one fear and power.

They all were surviving to that world, scared of the same thing: being alone.


The final event of the "Fashion Week Season" and this time Jungkook had been invited there as a guest of honour.

He had become the most wanted photographer in the world, he had received uncountable Awards and Prices; he even had the possibility to expose his art at the "Biennale of Venice" and that year he finally realised his very first Exhibition.
Jungkook's art had changed completely in the last two years; he had been able to explore his deepest desires and passions and, after having quitted his previous job as a Fashion photographer, he had been able to use his art and admiration for beautifulness to build his own job around and based exactly on that passion.
Now he was as free as he had never been, his polaroids weren't only in his room, but they were around the world covering every Museum and Gallery's wall.
He was finally free to be himself fully, completely, and that side of him the world accepted.

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