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To tell him, or not? There was no easy option.

Y/n sat on the plush sofa, as Aruna busied himself on the kitchen. I'll make you something, Aruna had told him. A naga who could cook and was rich? Sign me up! (Unfortunately Aruna is very much not real) And there's also one very important thing Y/n has forgotten in the grand scheme of things.

His friends.

God, he has totally forgotten all about his friends. His phone — he can probably afford a new one now — has a grand total of seven hundred and fifty three unread messages, and ninety-one missed calls. A nice amount of them are all from the same person.

"Hi, how's life?" Y/n greeted the person at the end of the call, as he lazily lounged on the couch.

The person didn't seem amused.

"Two days gone and you give me a how's life? Do you know how close I was to calling the police?"

Y/n winced. His friend, Aira, was usually calm. She was usually sweet, but she just tended to be a bit overprotective over him. Nadia was more...flighty compared to her, but Y/n had honestly been expecting this call.

"Don't call the police," Y/n said quickly, and there's a pause at the other end. "Oh god, Y/n, what the f—what did you do now?"

Nice, Y/n thought approvingly, Even when Aira is incensed, she doesn't swear. "You didn't swear," Y/n said politely to her, "Keep up the honor-student goals. I could never."

He could hear Aira explode at the end of the call.

It's moments like this that reminded him of the brotherly sisterly relationship they have, much like Nadia and him. Just that this didn't seem as...dysfunctional. Y/n knew himself that Nadia and his friendship was a little shaky, what with her being pushy and insensitive at times while she claimed that he was too sensitive.

"Never mind about the honor student thing," Aira said, sounding genuinely distressed, "What happened? Why didn't you pick up the calls?"

How can one explain a I-joined-a-app, witnessed-an-almost-murder, got-hitched situation? Instead, Y/n settled for a simple answer. "Some things happened, sorry."

"Right..." There was another pause.

"A—Are you sure you're alright? I heard about it."

Y/n bit his lip. "about what?"

"She went overseas again."

Oh right. His mother. Woopee. Biggest fucking mommy issues in the whole world, that's me!

"I'm more concerned about my assignments than her," Y/n wrinkled his nose, "the professor is absolutely bogus. I bet you by the end of the term, I'll be able to frame him for cheating on his lovely wife. Not that I found any evidence, and I'm not a homewrecker."

"You're a homosexual," Aira added helpfully.

Gee thanks.

"Alright and—" Y/n glanced at the kitchen, "I got to go. Bye, Aira."

"Hey! Wait! You never really told me about the issue, you just skirted around—"


In the end, Y/n somehow managed to speed-run his assessments and finish them at 2am. His sleep schedule was messed up, but hey! He finished his work! And now he would submit his work at 2am just to hope his professor would take pity on him and give him extra credit.

Y/n rubbed his eyes wearily as he stood up, plodding over to the kitchen.

He turned his phone on to another barrage of notifications.

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