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3rd POV YN

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3rd POV YN

YN, a 23-year-old college student, navigates his way through the bustling streets of the city. His attire reflects a blend of comfort and style, featuring a simple plaid shirt paired with well-fitted blue jeans, ears are subtle accessories of a small cross, and a cool [Hair Style].

What's YN doing now? Right now, YN is losing his mind! He's practically screaming his lungs out, holding up his phone to capture every bone-rattling moment of the epic showdown between Godzilla and Gigan. Never mind the fact that he could be squashed like a foot lettuce.

YN's heart races, but the thrill of recording such a historic kaiju battle overpowers any instinct to flee. In that heart-pounding moment, YN's eyes widen as he realizes Godzilla, the colossal titan got stabbed in the stomach and is toppling right in his direction. Panic sets in, and with legs that suddenly feel tinier than ever, he scrambles to run.

The ground shakes with each thunderous step of the falling kaiju, making YN's escape feel like a little cockroach. Despite his best efforts, Godzilla inches closer and closer, casting an ominous shadow over YN's desperate sprint.

Just as YN resigns himself to what seems like an inevitable fate, a seismic jolt ripples through the ground. Miraculously, Godzilla manages to catch itself mid-fall, colossal lizardy hands meeting the ground with a thunderous impact. YN, on the brink of surrendering, now finds himself face to face with the very creature he thought would crush him.

As the dust settles and debris scatters, YN's eyes widen in awe. He crawls backward, creating some distance to get a better look at Godzilla, who towers before him like an ancient deity. In the surreal meeting of gazes between YN and Godzilla, and without a moment's hesitation, Godzilla senses the impending danger and rises with an earth-shaking roar. The mighty kaiju swiftly turns its attention to the menacing threat, Gigan, gearing up for battle.

As the titans clash in a ferocious spectacle, YN seizes the opportunity to escape. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, he bolts away from the epicenter of destruction, putting as much distance as possible between himself and the colossal brawl.

The ground quakes beneath his fleeing footsteps, YN, caught between awe and survival instincts, races towards safety, leaving the battlefield to the titans that rule the earth/realm/whatevs.

Breathless and exhilarated, YN manages to utter a shaky yet triumphant statement, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Awesome!" he exclaims, the word escapes his lips as a proof to the surreal experience of narrowly escaping Godzilla's fall and witnessing the subsequent clash with Gigan.

A soldier's urgent voice pierces through the roars and crashes, calling out to YN. "Hey, you! Get over here quick!" The command snaps YN back to reality, and without a second thought, he sprints towards the source of safety.

Weeks later

YN returns to the college grounds, disbelief washes over him like a tidal wave. "Are you serious?!" he mentally questions himself, staring wide-eyed at the pristine condition of the campus. The memory of Godzilla and Gigan's epic battle had miraculously didn't hit the campus. His secret hope for the destruction of the campus, providing him with an unexpected break from studies, lingers in the back of his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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