Mahi Yuvi

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In the crowded room, Virat's eyes involuntarily followed Rohit, who was engrossed in conversation with Yuvi, his own feelings hidden deep within. A pang of jealousy surged as he saw Rohit seemingly oblivious to Virat's presence.

Meanwhile, Mahi, glancing discreetly from a distance, felt a knot tighten in his stomach. The secret relationship he shared with Yuvi suddenly felt precarious as Yuvi's attention shifted away. Mahi's jealousy brewed quietly, his heart conflicted between the secrecy of their bond and the undeniable hurt of seeing Yuvi engrossed in someone else's company.

In the midst of Mahi's quiet jealousy, oblivious to the turmoil in his boyfriend's heart, Yuvi, treating Rohit like a younger brother, decided to take him for ice cream, unknowingly deepening Mahi's sense of insecurity.

Mahi, trying to hide his unease, asks, "Yuvi, are you going out with Rohit?"

Yuvi, cheerfully oblivious, replies, "Yeah, thought of taking him for ice cream. He's like a asking me from many days for Treat."

Mahi, his jealousy simmering beneath the surface, forces a smile, "Oh, that's nice. Enjoy your time with him."

As Yuvi leaves, Mahi's eyes betray the hurt, and the unspoken tension hangs in the air.

Virat, trying to hide his hurt, says, "Hey, Rohit, we had plans for the new book cafe. Can we still go?"

Rohit, unaware of Virat's hidden feelings, responds, "Sorry, Vi, but Yuvi invited me for ice cream. Let's do the cafe another time."

Virat, attempting to convince Rohit, insists, "Come on, Rohit. We planned this. Can't you change your plans?"

Rohit, oblivious to Virat's jealousy, snaps, "Why are you so insistent? I have plans with Yuvi. Can't we go another day?!" As Rohit walks away upset, Virat is left grappling with the realization that his hidden feelings have caused unintended strife in their friendship.

As Mahi continues to wait anxiously for Yuvi's return from the ice cream treat with Rohit, his mind becomes a battleground of insecure thoughts and overthinking. The passing minutes feel like an eternity as he imagines scenarios where Yuvi might have found a stronger connection with Rohit.When Yuvi finally walks in, he senses Mahi's unease. Concern etches his face as he looks at Mahi, who is clearly disturbed. Yuvi, oblivious to Mahi's jealousy, gently asks, "Hey, Mahi, is everything okay? You seem a bit off. What's on your mind?"

Mahi, caught in the web of his own insecurities, struggles to find the words. The weight of overthinking and jealousy makes it difficult for him to express his feelings. Yuvi, still unaware of the storm in Mahi's mind, waits patiently, eager to understand and ease whatever troubles Mahi.

Mahi, unable to contain the surge of emotions, snapped, "Where were you? You were gone for so long! Was spending time with Rohit more important than being with me?"Yuvi, taken aback by Mahi's outburst, realized the depth of Mahi's jealousy. He sighed and gently placed a hand on Mahi's shoulder, "Mahi, listen. Rohit is like a younger brother to me. There's nothing romantic between us. You're the one I love."Mahi, his anger subsiding into vulnerability, looked into Yuvi's eyes. "I can't help but feel insecure. It hurts seeing you with someone else."

Yuvi, embracing Mahi, whispered, "I understand, Mahi. I should have reassured you earlier. You're my priority, and Rohit is just a friend. I love you."As Yuvi spoke those words, Mahi's heart began to ease. However, the weight of guilt settled in as he realized how unfounded his jealousy had been. "I'm sorry for doubting you, Yuvi. I should trust you more," Mahi admitted, his eyes reflecting regret.

Yuvi, with a tender smile, wiped away Mahi's tears. "No need to apologize. Let's focus on us. I cherish our moments together, and you mean the world to me."In that quiet moment, Mahi and Yuvi found solace in each other's arms, their love stronger than the fleeting insecurities that had momentarily clouded their connection. They shared a few sweet and tender moments, reaffirming the depth of their bond.

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