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The tension between Yuvraj and GG had been unbearable, gnawing at them both for what felt like an eternity. GG couldn’t stand the way Yuvraj had been laughing with the others, sharing jokes and moments that used to belong to him alone. Watching from the sidelines, GG's chest constricted with every smile Yuvi threw at their teammates. It was as though Yuvi was slipping through his fingers, further and further away, and GG couldn’t stand it. The possessiveness surged within him, twisting his emotions until he could no longer stay silent.

It all came to a head one afternoon. Yuvraj stood surrounded by a group of their teammates, his laughter lighting up the space between them as though nothing was wrong. But to GG, it was like a punch to the gut. How could Yuvraj act like this? How could he act like GG didn’t exist?

GG couldn’t take it anymore.

He stormed toward the group, eyes locked on Yuvraj, his heart pounding. Every step was driven by the thought that Yuvraj was moving on, slipping away, and GG couldn’t bear it. The thought alone terrified him.

"Yuvi," GG’s voice was sharp, barely hiding the surge of emotions threatening to explode. "We need to talk. Now."

Yuvraj’s laughter faded, and he glanced at GG, his eyes briefly flashing with surprise before his expression turned cold—so cold it made GG’s heart clench. "I’m busy, GG. Go talk to your... partner," Yuvraj spat, the bitterness in his voice cutting deep.

Partner? GG’s mind spun, confusion and frustration colliding. His chest tightened as the meaning of Yuvraj’s words sank in. "What are you talking about?" he demanded, his voice low but shaking with emotion.

Yuvraj stood abruptly, his face hardening further. The tension between them was unbearable now, like an invisible wall that had been built up brick by brick. "You rejected me, GG. You didn’t want me. So I figured—" Yuvraj’s voice faltered, and for a moment, GG saw the hurt in his eyes, raw and undeniable. But Yuvraj quickly masked it with a bitter edge. "I figured you had someone else. That’s why you pushed me away, isn’t it?"

The disbelief hit GG like a wave. "You thought I—" His voice cracked, and he struggled to process what he was hearing. Yuvraj thought he had been pushed away for someone else? GG’s mind raced. How had things gotten so twisted?

Yuvraj’s face remained cold, but his eyes—those eyes that GG knew so well—were filled with pain, buried beneath layers of hurt. "It’s fine, GG," Yuvraj said, his voice steady but distant. "I get it. I’ll move on."

Move on. The words made something inside GG snap.

There was no way he could let that happen. Yuvraj was everything to him.

GG took a step closer, his voice shaking with barely contained emotion. "You think I pushed you away because of someone else? Yuvi, there is no one else. There has never been anyone else but you."

But Yuvraj had already started to turn away, his defenses up, shielding himself from the hurt he had convinced himself was inevitable. GG couldn’t let it end like this. Not after everything they’d been through.

Without thinking, GG grabbed Yuvraj’s arm, pulling him back with a firm, possessive grip. "No," GG growled, his voice raw with emotion. "You don’t just get to walk away and say you’re moving on. I don’t want you to move on. I can’t let you."

Yuvraj froze, his breath hitching as GG’s words sank in. For a moment, the coldness in Yuvraj’s eyes melted, replaced by a flicker of vulnerability. But just as quickly, Yuvraj pulled his arm free, stepping back as if trying to protect himself from further hurt. "I have to, GG," Yuvraj whispered, his voice quieter now, more broken. "It’s what you wanted, isn’t it? I didn’t want to make things harder for you."

GG's voice cracked as his emotions spilled out. "Easier? You’re making it harder by ignoring me. By letting other people get close to you!" GG's possessiveness came through in every word, his frustration bubbling over. He hated seeing Yuvraj with others, hated the thought that Yuvraj could replace him, that someone else could matter more to him.

Yuvraj’s defenses were crumbling now. He took a small step back, his eyes wide with a mix of hurt and confusion. "I didn’t think I had a choice, GG," Yuvraj whispered, his voice faltering. "You made me feel like I wasn’t enough. Like… like you didn’t want me anymore."

The vulnerability in Yuvraj’s voice broke something inside GG. The thought that Yuvraj had been walking around with that kind of hurt, thinking he wasn’t wanted—it was unbearable. "You idiot," GG whispered, his voice low, hoarse with emotion. "How could you even think that?"

Before Yuvraj could answer, GG surged forward, grabbing the front of Yuvraj’s shirt and yanking him close. His eyes were blazing with all the emotions he’d kept bottled up for so long. "You didn’t give me a chance to explain," GG growled, and then, before Yuvraj could react, GG closed the distance between them, pressing his lips to Yuvraj’s in a fierce, desperate kiss.

The kiss wasn’t gentle. It was rough, raw, and filled with everything GG had been holding back. The possessiveness, the frustration, the love—it all came out in that single kiss. For a moment, Yuvraj froze, his body stiff against GG’s. But slowly, GG felt Yuvraj begin to melt into him, the tension in his body softening as he kissed back.

Yuvraj’s hands came up tentatively to cup GG’s face, as though he still couldn’t quite believe this was happening. The warmth of the kiss, the intensity of it, made everything else disappear. The misunderstandings, the hurt, the jealousy—it all faded away as they poured their emotions into each other.

When they finally pulled apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting together as the intensity between them lingered. Yuvraj blinked, still dazed, his eyes wide as he looked at GG. "You... you kissed me," he whispered, as though he was trying to make sense of it all.

GG’s lips were swollen, his breathing heavy, but he managed a small, crooked smirk. "Yeah. And I don’t regret it. You don’t get to move on from me, Yuvi."

Yuvraj’s eyes softened, the bitterness and hurt finally giving way to something warmer. He swallowed hard, the tension easing from his body as he finally let go of the pain he’d been carrying. "So… you’re saying you don’t have someone else?" His voice was quiet, almost fragile.

GG shook his head, his thumb brushing gently over Yuvraj’s cheek in a rare moment of tenderness. "No, you idiot. It’s always been you."

Yuvraj exhaled slowly, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I was so scared, GG," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I thought you didn’t want me anymore. I thought I lost you."

GG’s expression softened, and he pressed his forehead gently against Yuvraj’s. "You could never lose me, Yuvi," he whispered back, his voice full of quiet conviction. "I’m yours. Always."

Yuvraj’s lips curled into a small, hesitant smile, his heart pounding in his chest. He leaned in, pressing a soft, tender kiss to GG’s lips, the kiss filled with all the love he’d been too scared to show before. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against GG’s again, his voice barely a whisper. "Good. Because I don’t want anyone else."

In that moment, everything between them finally fell into place. The misunderstandings, the insecurities, the jealousy—it all dissolved in the warmth of their embrace. They had been each other’s everything all along, and now, they both knew it.

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