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Rohit and Jadeja sat together in the quiet of the team hotel, away from the bustling chatter of their teammates. Jaddu's eyes were thoughtful as he looked at Rohit, his voice soft but firm. "Ro, maybe it's time. We should tell the team about us."

Rohit hesitated, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on the table in front of them. He glanced at Jaddu, his brow creasing with concern. "I don't know, Jaddu," he sighed. "What will the team say? What about Vi? I can't predict how he'll react. I'm worried... about everyone."

A flicker of hurt crossed Jaddu's eyes, but he masked it quickly, his usual calm composure taking over. Inside, though, his chest tightened, and disappointment weighed heavily. He forced a small smile, shrugging it off. "Yeah, I get it, Ro," he replied, his voice steady but missing the warmth it usually held. "No rush."

Rohit didn't notice the subtle shift in Jaddu's tone, too wrapped up in his own thoughts. "It's just... complicated. I want to, but it's Vi's reaction I'm most worried about," Rohit added, more to himself than anyone else.

Jaddu leaned back, swallowing his feelings. He didn't push further, though his heart ached. "Whenever you're ready," he said, quieter this time, as he looked away, hiding the sting of his disappointment.

Later that evening, the team decided to head out to a club, hoping to unwind after a long day. Jaddu and Rohit joined them, but the air between them felt different. Jaddu's earlier hurt lingered, though he tried to push it aside. The noise of the club, the flashing lights, and the laughter around them felt distant as his thoughts kept circling back to their conversation. He told himself not to let it get to him, but it was hard to ignore the sting.

Rohit, meanwhile, found himself caught up with Vi, laughing and talking, completely unaware of the growing unease in Jaddu. Vi's presence always had a way of making everything else fade for Rohit, and tonight was no different. They shared inside jokes, the camaraderie between them easy and familiar.

Jaddu, sitting a little further away, watched them, his heart sinking deeper with every passing moment. He felt invisible, like an outsider in his own space, as Rohit laughed freely with Vi. The jealousy he tried so hard to hide bubbled to the surface. He could feel it clawing at him, even though he didn't want to admit it. It wasn't just the attention Rohit was giving Vi-it was the realization that Rohit hadn't even noticed his absence.

Needing something to distract himself, Jaddu slipped away to the bar. He ordered a non-alcoholic drink, something to clear his head. But in the busy chaos of the club, the bartender mistakenly handed him a different drink-a mix-up that Jaddu didn't catch.

Distracted and lost in his thoughts, he took a sip. The unfamiliar burn of alcohol went unnoticed as the ache in his chest overshadowed everything. He took another sip, still not registering the difference.

Just as he lost himself in thought, a man approached him, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Hey, you beautiful thing," the guy said with a smirk.

Jaddu frowned, the alcohol dulling his senses, but he was still taken aback by the stranger’s boldness. "Who are you? I am not beautiful; I am Rajput," he declared, his voice slightly slurred but firm.

The man chuckled, his smirk widening. "I am Seb. You can think of me as your friend," he said, reaching out to touch Jaddu’s bicep.

“Don’t touch me. My Ro doesn’t like it,” Jaddu shot back, pulling away instinctively, his heart racing for reasons beyond just annoyance.

Seb stepped closer, lowering his voice. “What if I told you that your Ro sent me here to find you?”

Jaddu’s brows knitted together in confusion. “Why would he? Did he tell you about me?” His heart flickered with hope, momentarily distracted from the uncomfortable situation. Was Rohit really not embarrassed by their relationship?

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