⟢ 01 .

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( warnings! 💬 ) as this is a yandere x reader, there will be darker themes, such as violence,  obsessive behavior, manipulation, and so on. from this point onwards, there will be no more warnings, except for chapters that have a more explicit tendency. thank you. 

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In hindsight, you should've turned down the offer.

It wasn't as if you were short of clients. Far from it, actually. It was almost laughable, how many people blindingly lined up for your services. Murder, it seemed, was hot on the market nowadays.

Then again, human nature was, in truth, boiled down to simple greed, and greed sprouted malice. Hatred was a poisonous seed planted into every human heart at birth. They'd throw you as much money as you desired, skin clammy with the sweat of their sins. Kill this, kill that. Boresome, repetitive, but a job was a job, and a client was a client. What happened afterward was none of your concern.

Certainly, execution for treason wasn't tempting, but perhaps it was just the secrecy of the job that had enticed you. Covered in a veil that draped far past the shoulders and long robes that betrayed no inch of skin, a voice had requested of you:

"Dispose of the second prince."

So they were targeting royals, now? At the very least, they had chosen to disguise themselves, so they certainly weren't all that stupid. Idiotic, yes, but not horribly so.

You were well aware of the blood spilled in the fight for the crown. Awfully cliché, but it seemed that there couldn't be one happy family among the imperials. Once more, the greed for more and more had clawed away at their hearts until they had hardened to stone.

What were you, a philosopher? The details didn't matter.

The reward, however, did. A pretty penny, for just one head — who were you to refuse? It'd give you an excuse to satisfy your curiosities.

What was that saying? You'd heard it somewhere, spoken in a chiding tone.

Oh, right.

Curiosity killed the cat.

"Ah, look what the cat dragged in."

"Y-You fucker...!"

"Oh, the audacity! I'm the fucker? Mind you, I was having quite the fine time before you barged in and ruined my night, thank you very much."

This couldn't be right, you weren't foolish enough to rush a task without collecting ample information. With the second prince's rumored lamb-like nature, weak, gentle, soft-hearted, nowhere rigid enough to claim the crown, this job should've been complete the moment you glided your blade against his supple skin. Yet here you were, blood spilling from a cut down your forearm and raining down in fat droplets against the fine velvet carpet.

How come the lamb had backed the wolf into a corner?

"Hell, you're making my job difficult."

"Aw, don't flatter me!" Any and all words seem to fall deaf upon his ears. Examining his appearance with slight distaste, you're able to come to a conclusion — his visage is dangerous. The curve of his pitifully rosy lips is an almost sinister sight in the milky moonlight. It was a thought you digested with a rather prominent scowl on your veiled features: You'd commit a grievous sin, ridding the world of his face.

Nikolai de Vik Aurelius.

A small part of you loathed how long God had spent sculpting a man like him. After all, you were terribly weak to pretty faces like his.

𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 !? ♡ [BL]Where stories live. Discover now