⟢ 09 .

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( note ! 💬 ) a little bit of a longer chapter because i wanted some plot progression - suggestive actions but nothing explicit .. in short, no bathroom s3x .

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"...No, thank you." You tried to laugh it off, but your throat had closed on you, so instead you emitted somewhat of a strangled noise. Rather, you settled on coughing, clearing your throat resolutely. "It'd be rather improper, to have a former-" Did you fall under former? "-enemy of the empire be in such vulnerable proximity to a member of the royal family. There's no telling what an assassin might attempt to do to you while bathing, Your Highness... is not a simple dagger enough to spill the blood of man?"

"Hm?" There was a flutter of sound as Nikolai threw his shirt off someplace carelessly. "But if you couldn't injure me while I was sleeping, surely bathing is no different?"

"...Haha... you're quite remarkable, Your Highness." Bite the inside of your cheek any harder and you'd be sure to draw blood. Could any god out there hear your prayers? Certainly not ─ the man walked over leisurely, his chest in full display, and gestured for you to rid of your top as well. "Your Highness, I really don't think-"

"Come, m/n. What's the problem here? We're both men, surely you don't suspect I'd try to force myself upon you?" Nikolai chuckled, like the thought itself was amusing beyond belief, as if he hadn't requested a good night kiss earlier, hadn't referred to you as some loyal hound, and hadn't made orders regarding you loving him. "If you're insecure, don't worry, I won't peek~"

A shiver crawled up your spine. At his gaze, you hesitantly undid the top button of your dress shirt, not particularly enjoying the way his eyes drunk you in. "What exactly are you implying, Your Highness?" You had a sinking feeling you knew what he was referring to, and greatly disliked it.

Nikolai smiled. Angelically. "All I'm saying is I don't mind if you're small down th-"

You threw a nearby towel in his face before he could continue his god-awful sentence, already feeling your ears beginning to burn. "Your Highness, that's quite enough-!" It was a satisfying thing, seeing the insufferable man struck with a faceful of towel. You should throw more things at him often. It was clearly doing good, healing things to your soul.

"Ah, how rude. I'm wounded." He certainly didn't act the part; the smile on his lips had not left. Stepping up to you, Nikolai took matters into his own hands, grabbing a fistful of the cloth and impulsively ripping the buttoned-together fabric. With a shriek, you hastily threw another towel his way, except this time Nikolai easily caught it in one hand, his other still holding onto your now undone shirt.

There was a beat of silence as his eyes scanned you, and with a satisfied huff, he breathed out: "Hm. Not bad."


"What's 'not bad', Your Highness!?" Harridley, you shoved his face away and tried to ignore how he took your shirt along with him as he retreated. Covering your upper half with your bare arms, you resisted the urge to throw up. There was no fancy rug here. It'd certainly take him no time at all to simply call down a maid to mop up the tile. Really, it was nothing worth sacrificing your stomach for.

"I'm merely talking to myself, m/n~ no need to think so much into it." Nikolai beamed, your shirt still in his hands... which offhandedly reminded you that since it was the one he'd given to you, you still bore not the faintest idea of where he'd hidden away your assassin outfit.

A shame. It was oddly comfortable despite being so form-fitting, but perhaps it was just a sentiment shared by only you. Your teammates, Lain in particular... he'd complained about it being uncomfortable and how he'd much rather sit around home base in loungewear instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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