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"Intimacy? Hah, don't make me laugh." You regarded his blatant gaze on your body, a chuckle escaping your lips all the same. "And look at you. I don't even recall ever telling you my name, so how do you-"

His gaze darkened. "Word gets around." He leaned in a breadth closer, the curls of his bangs brushing against the top of your head. You furrowed your brows, batting away his hair with a frown. What was he, some self-conceited stallion?

"Word? Of me?" You raised an eyebrow, sinking further backward into the wall — or trying to, at least. "That's a surprise, I didn't realize the personal information of assassins was so easily available to the public?"

"I have my ways." Great, was this his way of saying he had openly run background checks on you? Even so, leaks like that were difficult to come across. An information guild, perhaps? They'd do anything for the right price, and you doubted the emperor would give his forsaken son his own group of informants. "And, I don't recall ever telling you to avoid my questions either, yet here you are."

"To be fair, Your Highness," You inwardly seethed, yet smiled all the same, placing emphasis on his title. He could call you "m/n" all he wanted in that drowningly sweet voice of his, but the day you called him "Nikolai" would be the day you truly died in this place. "I'm only following your example. They say people imitate those around them, do they not?" Just your luck, Nikolai was the only person around you — and he made that intentional. Speaking of which... you tuned out Nikolai's breathy taunts rather easily, focusing more on the matter at hand. It hadn't been long since you'd seen Lain, but considering Nikolai had likely memorized his face... would it be safe for him to stay here? The answer to that was rather obvious. Yet... if Nikolai had planned to kill him, wouldn't he have done so the moment he had spotted him?

"...aren't listening, are you?" When you came to, Nikolai only clicked his tongue, shrugging his shoulders with a playful sigh. Despite his venom-like disposition, he seemed to pay no heed to whenever you shunned him so. "Granted that you don't seem inclined to answer, I'll take your answer as a response- I'm free to call you m/n, riiight?"

You jolted abruptly, almost slamming your forehead into his chin. "Nono, I didn't ever-"

His hand clasped over your mouth before you could get another word in. Even while you shook your head fervently, your face drained of color, he smiled all the same. With a laugh, his features brightened. "So it's a yes? Aha, I'm honored, m/n!" You stood there, eyeing him. At this point, you had just grown numb. The urge to bite his fingers off was tempting, but... perhaps this was what he'd wanted. Now he had you safely wrapped around his finger, with the threat of killing Lain off. Sure, you could always just let him die, but... the thought of doing so was unpleasant. Then again, you could just be overthinking it all.

Not making it seem like you were going to aim several harshly worded insults at his royal self, you gently pried off his hand from your lips, trying not to let your neutral expression sour. "...Your Highness. It's time for your morning tea, is it not?"

"My, so you remembered! I'm quite pleased with your competence, m/n." Nikolai, finally having decided it was time to remove his arms from around you, leaned backward. "Considering you don't know the palace well, I'll accompany you~"

You were certain of it. Another second of having to be in presence would surely turn you crazy. Shaking your head, you laughed awkwardly, rubbing the nape of your neck. "That won't be needed, your highness, directions will do."

"I insist."

His voice didn't give any room for complaint. Stiffening, you trailed after Nikolai as he spun around and began walking to the door. As much as you'd have preferred the walk to stay a silent affair, Nikolai made it his business to start conversation, firing questions you'd give the briefest answer possible in hopes of discouraging him into leaving you be.

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